her sex, wrapping her legs around his waist and locking her ankles together for support. He trailed fire across her jaw as he carried her to the nearest wall, placing her back against it and ramming his hard cock up into her. Kneading the flesh of her buttocks, he kissed and li cked her jaw and neck feverishly as he pumped into her. A growl issued forth from deeply in his chest and he began to thrust into her harder and faster. She felt him stiffen, felt his hot seed fill her, felt his cock thrash against the muscles of her sex. The motion brought on her own release and she screamed with the force of it.
Weak in the aftermath, t hey collapsed to the floor together this time, once again in each other’s arms. It’s actually quite nice , Caitlin thought to herself dreamily. Definitely not like anything on Earth.
“Do all Earth women here have such magnificent fur?” Killian asked as he gently stroked her hair, lowering his head to it and breathing deeply. “It has such an unusual smell….”
The question caught h er off guard , confused her for several moments. “Fur? Oh, you mean my hair, right?” She c overed a yawn before continuing. “E veryone here has it. Not always long like mine. It comes in all different colors too. The smell is just my shampoo.”
He silently considered her answer. “No one on my world has hair. There are o nly a few species of animals that have fur and only a handful of them with enough to speak of.”
“That’s strange. I wonder why you didn’t evolve hair like us? I mean, you seem so…human.” She thought of the prehensile cock that was even now stirring inside of her. “For the most part, I mean.”
“ We came from Arutagia.” At her puzzled look, he tried to explain. “It’s a place of…water. We came from the water.”
“Oh. Well, we did too.” I guess we j ust didn’t get the full benefit.
“I love your hair.” He fingered a lock of it, twirling it between his fingers. His cock, obviously in full agreement, squirmed inside her sex.
“Killi an, ” she said hesitantly.
He stilled. “Don’t Caitlin.”
Their eyes met for a moment before she could look away. T he pain in his eyes was evident and made her hurt in response, but she knew she had to say something. “It just wouldn’t… ”
He placed a finger over her lips, replacing it with his own lips for a brief kiss. When he released her, h e stood wordlessly, locating his loincloth on top of her panties, and dressed.
Oh god, this is it. He’s leaving now. What the hell am I supposed to say?
“Caitlin.” He stopped at the sha ft of light and turned to look at her one last time. “Good bye.” He stepped through and in a moment, was gone from her life.
Caitli n felt sick. She felt like she might throw-up any moment . He’s gone. I’ll never see him again. He left, just like that. She moved in a daze, hanging her toes in her pantie s more tha n once as she dressed. He’s gone forever now . She’d never been as miserable as she was at that moment. She liked him. She didn’t think she was in love with him or anything, but she really liked him. If he were from here, we’d be dating now. But he wasn’t from Earth.
She could hardly breath e . Pushing and prodding her way through the crowd, she reached the door at the end of the hall. Outside, Val paced the mezzanine .
“Val! ”
“Caitlin!” Val rushed over and hugged her. “Caitlin, don’t be mad. Anthony asked me