Alien Worlds

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Book: Alien Worlds by Roxanne Smolen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Roxanne Smolen
private interest group is offering to take over the program. Private interest. We would be owned. Traded like… a business.”
    He gawked. “The Board would be dissolved? You can’t be serious.”
    “One more mistake, they told me. One more. Now, you hand me this.”
    “They don’t have to know,” he said in a voice he couldn’t recognize. “We could stage a rescue.”
    She barked a laugh. “Those children are trapped in an unstable wormhole. Where in this universe are we to look?”
    “Homing beacons. The same beacons that allow the Impellic ring to maintain a lock can be used to pinpoint their location.”
    “I’d like to meet the person who could accomplish that.”
    “I can. I know I can.”
    “Impossible. It’s never been attempted.” Her gaze flickered. “Besides, they must be dead by now. Materialized upon some gas giant.”
    “I don’t think so.” He slid to the edge of his seat. “The rings would still conform to the computer’s parameters. They will only drop to worlds with oxygen and water.”
    She sank behind her desk and winced as if her thoughts were painful. “If they’re alive, we can’t abandon them.”
    “I will pinpoint their location, and then you can send two more Scouts—”
    “And the new ring can latch onto all four. But is a ring powerful enough to carry that many people?”
    He shook his head. “Impellic theorists agree they must jump in pairs. Otherwise, the ring would overload, become off-balanced. No, the rescue party will give them the equipment they need to construct a stronger beacon. Repair the fractured ring.”
    “What? We’re talking about children. They aren’t capable of understanding tech.”
    Impani understands. Impani is brilliant.
    But he couldn’t tell Director Hammond that—not without causing a new set of problems. Techs like him weren’t allowed to be friendly with students.
    The Director frowned. Her eyes flicked back and forth as if reading the headlines of a distasteful news report—or her own resignation. After several moments, her cold, gray gaze met his. “You understand that if this plan fails I will use it to further confirm your duplicity.”
    “I won’t fail.”
    “I hope not, Mr. Ambri-Cutt. For both our sakes, I sincerely hope not.”
    I mpani inched along the ridge. The sandpaper wind roared and lashed her body. She knew she was on the verge of collapse. The constant shush of windblown salt against her mask deafened her. It made her feel closed in, setting her nerves on edge. She couldn’t imagine a worse planet to be sent to, couldn’t understand why this world would be on the academy’s list at all.
    A gust struck, and her breath shortened. Her legs faltered, and she nearly fell.
    Trace touched his mask to hers. “Just a little farther,” he yelled. “There might be shelter ahead.”
    He’d said those words so many times they no longer had a bolstering effect. Impani didn’t know how long they’d walked. Hours may have passed, but the sun never moved. The planet was static—it had a day side and a night side.
    He nudged her shoulder to urge her forward. The ledge narrowed and curved. When it doubled back, for a hope-sick moment, she thought it might lead to respite.
    But the bend opened onto a whirlwind. Her feet left the ground. The wind slammed her airborne body against the wall and sent her tumbling. She exhaled loudly as she struck the ledge. She couldn’t call out, couldn’t stop herself from rolling. Another gust picked her up, and she sailed over the edge.
    Trace caught her arm. For a moment, she felt like a kite. Wind whipped her and tried to tear her from his grasp. Then he pulled her in.
    She lay flat on her back. “I can’t do this. I can’t keep on.” She knew it wasn’t the Scout thing to say, knew he would probably report her, but she didn’t care. Something was wrong. There was nothing to gain by sending them to this hostile world.
    He tugged at her. “Let’s go.”

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