All in the Family
that didn’t really matter. She would find someone else anyway. Where the hell was Mister Fairfield, she wondered. Maybe he just forgot. No sense wasting time around here.
    She spun in the chair and saw Mister Fairfield standing on the other side of the door through the little glass. He stared at her and smiled. She closed her legs and stood. He stepped in, closing the door behind him. At the start of the school year, he insisted that the janitor install a curtain above the little window in the door to block the light for movie-time and to ensure the privacy of students during conferences and personal talks. He locked the door before returning his attention to his pupil.
    “Well, here we are,” he said. “What was it I wanted to see you for again? Ah, yes, you were late, again. Any explanations?”
    She shook her head. “None that you would want to hear about.”
    “Humor me.”
    “Well, me and Ray, I mean, my boyfriend. We’re having trouble.” She gazed up at him with her big green eyes. “You know, just never mind.” She continued the puppy dog stare. “Am I really in trouble?”
    Keeping a stern face, he stared down at her. “Oh, yes, big trouble.” He gave her a half smile. “Don’t fret too much; I’m sure we can figure something out.” He sidestepped her and sat in his chair. She propped herself, half leaning on one foot with her legs crossed, on his desk beside him. “Alright,” he said, messing with some papers in front of him, “you have been late to my class, let’s see, three times, and the school year only started a couple of months ago. If I have to turn this in to the principal, you’re probably looking at a week’s detention. Given that my class is the only one you’ve been late for, that is.” He looked her in the eyes.
    She gazed back still looking sad, her pouting lips glistening.
    “I highly doubt that’s the case. If my class is not the only trouble you’ve had, you may be looking at suspension. Not a good way to start the year. A couple of those and you may get expelled. Your parents will not be pleased with that.” He sat back and folded his hands behind his head. “What’s it going to be?”
    She looked him up and down, trying to size up the situation. It seemed apparent to her then what he wanted, but if that wasn’t it, the ramifications could be disastrous. She looked to his face. He wasn’t a bad looking man, mid-forties and balding, but otherwise reasonably attractive. Clean shaven, no odd hairs in his nose or ears. His features were nice; his nose fit his face, and his eyes were bright and tantalizing.
    “What can I do about it?” She licked her lips and tried her best to look sexy and teasing. She succeeded.
    “Well, I can think of a couple of things,” he said and shifted downward in his seat. She looked around the empty room, reassuring herself that they were alone.
    “You know I missed the bus waiting on you.” She came off his desk and took a step toward him. “I don’t know where I could find a ride home.”
    He smiled. “I’m sure that could be arranged.”
    “I really, really can’t get suspended,” she said, taking another step forward. “What would you have a girl do? Beg?”
    His smile widened and showed his gleaming teeth. “That is an idea.” He spoke with a coy look on his face.
    “Beg,” she repeated, “on my knees?” She took another step forward. He nodded in approval. Maybe this won’t be so bad, she thought. Hell, this may even get me an A.
    She dropped to her knees; the cool tile floor was hard on her bare knees. She unzipped his pants and opened her mouth.
    He laid his head back and smiled.
    * * * *
    Bobby and Tommy chased that cat up a tree which stood near the creek. Ironic that they still ended up at the creek, though this was where they normally cavorted. They threw small rocks at it now. It hissed at them from its high perch. The cat even clawed at them, but it was easily eight feet out of their reach. Bobby threw

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