All of My Soul
thrust deeper. I gripped his shoulders as I felt him
release inside me. The new warm sensation deep inside me prolonged
my orgasm until Lincoln and I shuddered and stilled together. Not
breathing, not moving, just enjoying our mutual pleasure.
    He fell to the side of me, and his arms
circled around me, holding me close and softly humming into my ear.
Neither of us said anything as we lay there drifting into
unconsciousness. My heart swelled with how much I loved this man
and how completely wonderful we felt together.

Chapter Four

    Two weeks later we still had no leads as to
who had thrown the rock with my picture through Lincoln’s window.
Mackenzie had been questioned as to her whereabouts on Valentine’s
night, but she had a solid alibi. Hundreds of people had seen her
at a cocktail party at a restaurant in downtown Chicago. The police
reported that she was concerned, helpful, and answered all their
questions, but as Lincoln pointed out, she was a good actress. I
still wasn’t convinced it was her. I wouldn’t put it past her to do
something like this, but it just seemed too obvious.
    Lincoln called Detective Murray every day
asking for an update and urging them to keep close tabs on
Mackenzie. Every time he called, the detective would remind him
that she had an alibi and she hadn’t violated the restraining
order, so there was nothing they could do unless they found some
hard evidence.
    It was easy to see how frustrated Lincoln was
getting. Slashing my tires had been a nuisance, but the picture
with my eyes crossed out and my neck slit was a serious threat.
Neither of us understood why someone would target me, but Lincoln
made me promise not to go anywhere alone. I couldn’t even argue
since I was the one saying it wasn’t Mackenzie who did this. If I
was right and this wasn’t her, then there was a random nut job
threatening to hurt me, and that was ten times scarier than if it
was my old roommate.
    Lincoln drove me to and from work as often as
possible. When he dropped me off in the GenChem parking lot the
Friday before my internship ended I was a nervous wreck.
    “It’s going to be fine, Princess,” Lincoln
reassured me.
    “What if they don’t offer me a job?” My knees
bounced up and down nervously as I looked across the parking lot
with dread. Today was the last day to hear if I would remain
employed at GenChem.
    “They will.”
    “But what if they don’t?”
    He reached across the center console and
clasped my hand, causing me to look over at him. “They will,” he
said, looking me in the eyes with a serious and confident
    I inhaled a calming breath before slowly
letting it out and nodding my head at him. He offered his lips to
me, and I pushed up to kiss him good-bye. We remained entwined with
each other for longer than usual before I finally broke our embrace
and stepped out of his SUV. Lincoln would be leaving for an away
game while I was at work and wouldn’t be back until Sunday
    “Miss you already,” he said before I closed
my door.
    “Miss you back.”
    He gave me a small, encouraging smile as I
shut the car door and walked away from him into work.
    Despite all Lincoln’s faith in me, I was a
ball of nerves the entire day at work. I could not remember what I
had done from one skin cell culture to the next and had to
double-check every test result. By the end of the day, I just
wanted it to be over. Regardless of whether or not I got the job, I
just wanted an answer. So when my boss, Scott, walked into my lab
area near the end of the day, I jumped and almost dropped a tray of
petri dishes.
    “Hey, Jillian. You got a minute?”
    I nodded, unable to vocalize an answer.
    He turned over a legal-sized white envelope
in his hand. “I… um… just need to give you this.”
    I swallowed hard and took the envelope from
his hand. He wouldn’t make eye contact with me, and I took that as
a bad sign.
    Wedging my finger under the flap, I ripped
the seal and pulled out the

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