All That I See - 02

All That I See - 02 by Shane Gregory Read Free Book Online

Book: All That I See - 02 by Shane Gregory Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shane Gregory
Nicholas Somerville laughing, but I didn’t care. I just pulled her in closer and kissed her neck. I could have stayed right there forever. It sure beat the hell out of Corndog and cold, muddy ditch water.
    After we all went inside, Sara and I sat in the living room while the Somervilles gave themselves a tour of the house.
    “It took me a while to lose them,” Sara said. “But I knew where I was and they didn’t. I led them out toward Wal-mart, and I managed to get away from them in all the cars out there, then I drove around the back roads to make sure. I’ve been so worried about you. I’m sorry you had to go through all that.”
    “ Yeah ,” I said. “I’m just glad you’re safe.”
    “When I drove out to Blaine’s place, I saw the truck and car there and smoke coming out of the chimney, and I didn’t want to risk it. Th at’s why I came out here.”
    “You did great,” I said. “In fact, when we start putting out our supply caches and placing escape vehicles, we need to designate a few places to go in case we get separated again–Blaine’s, this place, and a few others. That way we’ll find each other.”
    “A meeting place,” she said.
    She’d been sitting in the chair opposite me, but she got up and moved next to me on the couch.
    “It was a rough night for me,” she said. “I know you had it rougher, but I was so scared I’d left you to die.”
    “You did exactly what you should have done. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I knew they’d got you because you stopped to help me.”
    She put her hand on my cheek, but didn’t say anything.
    Nicholas and Judy came down the stairs.
    “We should use this place as our base of operations for a while,” he said. “I don’t like that it’s away from town, but at least there’s plenty of room, and with a little work, it could be secured.”
    “We can’t stay here,” Sara said. “This was the place Jen liked . It’s too difficult for him–”
    “It’s okay, Sara,” I said. “I could probably–”
    “Hell, son,” Somerville said, “there are houses everywhere. We don’t have to live in the one that hurts you. We’ll find a new place.”
    “First,” I said, “I’d like to get a bath and take a nap. I’m exhausted.”

    When I woke up it was dark. I was cold again, and shivering. The bed felt so good. I pulled the blankets up over my head. I ached all over. I became aware of someone standing over me, but it felt more like a dream.
    “He’s burning up,” they said.
    I thought about the elderly couple in that house. The machete sliced through the air, and that old, shriveled head fell away from the neck. It was getting warm under the blankets. It was like I was in a cave. The head had been dry and flaky like a big hornets’ nest or one of those dry cow pies. I imagined that I could peel away those flaky layers like turning the pages of a book. My breath was hot. I thought I could see it coming out of my mouth, filling my little cave and making it even warmer. I was my own heater. I was burning up.
    “Do you think he’s got it?” a woman’s voice said.
    Hell’s bells, he’s got the gol dern tetanus .
    ”I didn’t step on any rusty metal,” I said.
    “What did he say? What is he talking about?”
    What was so difficult to understand? Jen would have known….
    “ In the ditch,” I said. “In the ditch.”
    “Nick, go out and soak this towel in some cold water.”
    My breath was a warm, orange haze. It could heat the whole room. I hurt all over.
    Someone pulled the covers away from my head, but I fough t them to put it back in place. My breath was escaping.
    “ Feel that?” I said.
    “Feel what, hon?” the woman asked.
    “Feel warm yet?”
    “What did he say?”
    “ We’ve got to get your fever down,” Sara said. “Can you sit up?”
    “ I’m cold,” I said.
    “Hon, you need to listen to Sara. We need you to sit up and take some medicine.”

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