Alpha Male Incorporated: Take Control
as she wanted. After she went back to work, she still couldn’t get over how good his touch felt on her body.
    Thorsten wasn’t a bad-looking man. In f act, he was almost too gorgeous for words but he wasn’t someone she would ever get seriously involved with. He’d rubbed her the wrong way from the very beginning and he hadn’t done anything to change the first impression he had given her.
    Setting her glass back down on the table, Raya watched as couples flirted back and forth with each other, trying to find someone for the night. Usually, she didn’t go out drinking after work, but after the day she had dealing with Cedric then Thorsten, she was worn out and needed something to relax her nerves.
    Raya drummed her fingers on the black countertop, allowing her thoughts to wander back to her conversation with Jax. She needed to think about something else to keep her mind off her own problems, which seemed to surround her life lately.
    Sahara finally had it all, like she had always wanted when they were growing up. A red hot singing career, a handsome husband who loved her dearly, and now her freedom back after dealing with a crazy stalker.
    In spite of having her amazing life, something else was going on with Sahara and she wasn’t opening up to her about it. Sahara never kept things from her, so it was something big her best friend wasn’t allowing anyone, including Jax, to know.
    Whatever it was, she wasn’t worried about it staying buried because Jax would get his wife to tell him what was bothering her. She had never told Sahara this and she wouldn’t ever do it, especially now with her being so happy.
    However, when Jax first came into their lives she was a tiny bit jealous. They had been so close for so many years, and then came Jax. He swept Sahara off her feet, making her fall head over heels in love with him in a matter of months. Jax was at her side, or standing in the shadows watching and protecting her, when she fought tooth and nail against him getting involved.
    Tiny things started changing between them more and more until she went from seeing Sahara every day to only catching up with her on their scheduled lunch dates when they could get squeezed into Sahara’s busy schedule.
    Honestly, she couldn’t be more thrilled for Sahara to have a loving and attentive husband…no, mate . God, calling Jax her best friend’s mate was bizarre to her. The world of vampires still was so new and unbelievable for her.
    One minute Sahara was human, but now she was ageless and immortal. When her girlfriend turned sixty-five she would look exactly the same way as she did right now.
    How was Sahara going to explain her ageless beauty? How was it possible for Sahara to have any problems in her life now? She had everything she had written songs about.
    Raya didn’t want to feel envious of her friend’s fairytale ending, but darn it! A part of her was deep down in her soul. Her best friend had battled a crazed man and won without the help of her Prince Charming, Jax, in the end.
    Why couldn’t she have someone who would be there for her through all of her battles?
    Her “Prince Charming” was still out there and she kept getting men like Thorsten Irizarry—guys who believed she should be thankful they had given her the time of day.
    Picking up her drink again, Raya took another sip, debating if she was ready to go back home. She hated the idea of going to sleep tonight, and hearing his voice in her dreams terrified her. She didn’t want to think that something might be going on with her mental stability, but what sane person heard voices whispering to them in the middle of night?
    No, she wasn’t really that tired. Staying for another hour wouldn’t hurt her. Maybe another stiff drink would finally make her get a good night’s sleep once she left here and went home.
    Why wasn’t Raya home? Thorsten walked around her empty bedroom. She better not be with another man.
    It never took his mate this long to

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