Alpha Male Incorporated: Take Control
apologize again for Thorsten’s behavior. He had no right to grab your arm the way he did back there. He’s under this illusion every woman wants him and will do exactly what he tells them to do.”
She had to give Jax credit for stepping up and apologizing for Thorsten’s bad behavior. “Thank you, but I don’t think it will do any good. Anytime I tell him something, it seems to go in one ear and right out the other one. Thorsten has a very high opinion of himself, but you didn’t walk me to my car to talk about your cousin. Spill it. Tell me what’s going on. Does it have something to do with Sahara?”
    One masculine eyebrow arched over a surprised green eye. “Sahara is constantly telling me how upfront you are, but I keep forgetting how direct you can be.”
    “You’re worried about Sahara, aren’t you?”
    “Yes, I am. Something is going on with my wife. I have asked her about it and she told me it was nothing. I know she isn’t telling me the truth, but I don’t want to read my mate’s mind to find out. We share so much; however, she’s holding back from me this time.”
    Thank God. It was her imagination. Jax also noticed there was something off about his wife. Sahara must be hiding a huge secret if she hadn’t even confided in her husband. She loved him with everything in her, so what she was keeping from the two of them?
    “Jax, I have seen the same thing with Sahara,” she admitted.
    “Has she hinted at anything to you?” he asked, concerned. “I can feel her pain but she isn’t opening up to me. It hurts me that Sahara doesn’t want to let me in, especially since I love her so much.”
    “The only thing she did confess to me was how she was a little disappointed about canceling those five concerts dates.”
    Running his hand down his face, Jax cursed underneath his breath. “Do you really think that’s what it could be? I know Mr. Edwards is locked away for a very long time. I still shouldn’t want to keep such a close eye on her, but I can’t help it. All I want to do is keep her safe, happy, and out of danger.”
    Reaching out, Raya patted Jax on his arm. He had scared the hell out of her the first time they met, when he jumped out from behind Sahara’s bedroom door and pointed his gun directly at her chest. She hadn’t wanted anything else to do with him then. However, he slowly started winning her over. Now she could be alone with him anywhere and not feel like he was going to threaten her for no good reason.
    “Jax, why don’t you just do it the old fashioned way and ask her?” she asked, taking her hand off his arm. “My best friend is crazy about you despite the fact you’re a creature of the night.”
    Jax studied her closely for a few minutes. “Do you feel differently about Sahara now that she’s no longer human, but a vampire?” His question momentarily stunned her that she didn’t know what to say at first.
    “Of course not, I love Sahara. We have been best friends way too long for something like that to make me look at her any differently. She’s the same person, just with a little extra in her now.”
    Jax smiled at her. “Good answer. Do you mind if I ask you another question?”
    “No, ask away.”
    “Does Thorsten really bother you as much as you were telling him earlier? The two of you were in such a heated argument that I was beginning to wonder if you truly did hate him.”
    “Yes, your cousin acts like he’s God’s gift to women and I don’t like that quality in any man. I don’t want to have that kind of man around me in my business or personal life.”
    “He isn’t as bad as you think. He’s really a nice guy. Don’t you remember how he sat with you at the hospital after Tyler’s father attacked you? He never once left your side until Sahara and I were able to get there and see you.”
    Raya didn’t want to bring up again how she felt finding Thorsten at her bedside. She came here to tell him to stay out of her business and she did. Now

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