Always A Bridesmaid (Left At the Altar)

Always A Bridesmaid (Left At the Altar) by Jana Richards Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Always A Bridesmaid (Left At the Altar) by Jana Richards Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jana Richards
done. I'm not sure I could do it again."
    He was incredibly proud of her. She faced her problems head on and worked her way through them. She was a fighter, and a fearless one.
    "I think you can do anything you set your mind to. You're a remarkable woman, Daniella."
    Turning to look at him, she blinked, her surprise evident. "Thank you."
    "You're welcome."
    After making a loop through the neighborhood, they headed back to Camp's house. Zach followed Dani up the stairs to the front door.
    "Dani, can I share something with you?"
    "Of course. What is it?"
    "As your friend, I think I should tell you..."
    "What?" she said, when he didn't finish.
    "You have one of the sweetest asses it has ever been my pleasure to ogle."
    She stared at him a minute, her mouth open in surprise. Then she started to laugh. "You are such a jerk." She punched him in the arm. "But thank you."
    "My pleasure."
    She laughed again and entered the house.
    He hoped she realized how remarkable she was, no matter what Chantal said.
    * * * *
    After a quick shower and change, Dani headed downstairs. When she found the dining room empty, she went to the kitchen where Zach's mother was busy preparing breakfast.
    Adele looked up from the batter she was mixing. "Good morning, Dani. You're up early."
    "Zach and I have already gone for a run this morning."
    "Oh really? That's nice." Adele gave her an enigmatic smile as she set her bowl on the counter. "Would you like some coffee?"
    "I'd love some. But please, don't wait on me. I can get it myself."
    Adele chuckled. "That's a refreshing attitude. Be my guest. The mugs are in the cupboard over the sink."
    Retrieving a mug, she filled it with coffee, and added milk from a carton she found in the fridge. After taking a sip she set her mug on the counter. "Now, what can I do to help you?"
    "You don't have to do anything. You're a guest in this house, part of the bridal party. Relax and enjoy yourself."
    "If you don't mind, I'd rather help you here in the kitchen. This is the last place Chantal would think to come."
    Adele smiled. "If you really want to help, you can cut up the fruit for the salad. But honestly, I don't think you have to worry about running into Chantal until at least noon. From experience, I can tell you she's not exactly an early riser."
    "Today may be the exception to that rule. Fiona is treating us to a spa day. We're supposed to be there mid-morning."
    "I see. In that case, you're welcome to hide out here as long as you'd like." She poured batter on the hot griddle. "Did she upset you last night? She certainly tried to draw attention to your weight."
    Dani rinsed grapes and apples under the faucet. "I'm okay. It was my own fault. I let her get to me."
    "Chantal can be...difficult."
    Adele's tight expression told her how hard it was for her to be around Chantal. She'd broken Zach's heart, and treated him abominably. If given the chance, she'd go for another kick at the can. Yet she was Camp's granddaughter, and both Adele and Zach were loyal to him.
    "How old was Zach when you started working for Camp."
    "He was eight. It was a couple of years after his father died. We'd married right out of high school and had Zach a few years later. I didn't have training for anything. The only thing I knew how to do was cook and clean. So when John died, I worked for a cleaning service for a while, but when school let out for the summer I had to quit because I had nowhere to leave Zach. I cleaned houses on my own and took Zach with me to the jobs, but I couldn't get enough work to even pay the rent." Adele flipped bacon on a griddle. "I was pretty scared."
    "What did you do?"
    "I answered an ad in the paper for the job with Camp. It was minimum wage but it came with an apartment. I wouldn't have to pay rent or utilities and I'd be able to give Zach a decent home in a good neighborhood. It was the answer to my prayers, if only he would hire me. The day of the interview Zach and I dressed in our best clothes, trying to

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