Always A Bridesmaid (Left At the Altar)

Always A Bridesmaid (Left At the Altar) by Jana Richards Read Free Book Online

Book: Always A Bridesmaid (Left At the Altar) by Jana Richards Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jana Richards
neutral, yet she detected an undertone of...something.
    "I like him too. I think he's a nice guy."
    "Yeah, a nice guy." A muscle twitched in his clenched jaw. "Look, Dani, I meant it before when I said I want to make this weekend worth the hassle I'm putting you through. I'm really taking advantage of you. I'd like to do something to compensate you for helping me out."
    "That really isn't necessary."
    "Then humor me. I want to give you something. My travel company specializes in adventure tourism. I can arrange a really special vacation for you."
    "Adventure tourism? Really Zach, I'm not a bungee jumping, mountain climbing kind of girl. An adventure would be wasted on me."
    "How about something totally relaxing then? A couple of weeks on a beach somewhere?"
    "A beach? Like maybe in Hawaii?" This was beginning to sound interesting.
    "Sure. I know a place in Maui that would be perfect for you. How about it?"
    Two weeks in paradise sounded like a dream come true, especially if it meant escaping Ottawa's cold winter for a while. But paradise would be lonely if she was there all by herself.
    "Let me think about it. We can talk sometime after this weekend is over." At least that would give her an excuse to see him again.
    "All right. We'll talk then."
    "Good. I'm going to head upstairs to bed. I'm exhausted."
    He reached out to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, his hand lingering for a moment. "You've had quite a day, thanks to me. I hope you sleep well."
    She couldn't move, couldn't breathe. She was pinned to the spot by Zach's blue gaze. For one heart stopping moment she thought he would kiss her again, but instead he dropped his hand and stepped away.
    "Goodnight, Dani. I'll see you in the morning."
    She watched him leave the kitchen and waited until her heart beat returned to normal before doing the same. She didn't need the inducement of a dream vacation to play Zach's girlfriend. The truth was she'd gladly perform the role for free.
    But knowing that he still had feelings for Chantal, she wondered what the cost to her might be in the end.
    * * * *
    The next morning at seven when Zach made his way down to the front foyer for his jog, he was surprised to find Dani already there, dressed in running gear and tying her shoes.
    "You're up early," he said. "Are you going for a run, too?"
    "I decided I needed to burn off the lemon tart I ate last night." After pulling her thick, dark hair into a ponytail and securing it with an elastic band, she opened the front door. "Do you want to run together? I don't know this neighborhood at all."
    He finished tying his shoe and got to his feet. "Sure. I'm no expert on the neighborhood either, but I think I can keep us from getting lost. Let's go."
    They fell into an easy jog as they ran down the tree-lined street in the crisp autumn morning. Red and gold leaves fluttered to the ground, crunching under their feet as they ran. Dani quietly jogged beside him, her strides matching his. He stole a glance at her.
    "Have you been running for a while?"
    "About four years. It's the only form of exercise I've found I can stick with."
    "I'm mostly a fair weather jogger," he said. "I hate running in the winter. Too cold and icy."
    "I go to a gym in the winter." She named a popular downtown Ottawa gym. "I run on their indoor track. It's not as much fun as jogging outside in the summer, but it beats frostbite."
    He chuckled. "Maybe I should give it a try this winter. It seems to be doing good things for you. You've got a great shape."
    "It's just the two of us here, Zach. You don't have to say stuff like that."
    "I wouldn't lie about something as important as your figure."
    She slanted him a look, her expression uncertain. "Okay, in that case, thanks."
    "You're welcome."
    He dropped back a couple of paces. He'd always thought Dani pleasant looking, but these days she was stunning. The tight stretchy material of her jogging pants emphasized every sexy curve of her lush derriere. The view

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