American Devil
whispered in his ear. ‘I heard on the grapevine that the department asked you back in. What you waiting for? You can’t refuse that. It’s not right. Fuck that. It’s serious. Come with me, my friend. I’ll save you from this cult.’
    Harper turned and smiled. His partner of three years, Eddie Kasper, was sitting there, his bright street clothes incongruous in the vast stone space, his voice even more so. No one in the department dared to rattle Harper, but this young black man had no fear at all, and, what’s more, he even seemed to like the big guy.
    ‘God, it is quiet in here! Is it like first one to talk has to stay in at play break?’
    ‘People are praying.’
    Eddie nodded in approbation. ‘I get you, man. You’re going through some kind of religious conversion, ain’t that right?’
    ‘Eddie. You can’t talk so loud in here.’
    ‘And that’s just how it is with you these days, isn’t it, Mr Silent? No hard feelings on my part, buddy, but you cut me off, don’t speak to me and don’t answer my calls. I’m not thin-skinned. I can take it, but even I got limits. See the tracks of my tears?’
    ‘I’ve been busy.’
    ‘Screw busy, you ain’t been deep sea diving, you got a phone. I’m your best buddy.’ Other people from the pews in front of them were starting to look round.
    ‘What’s with the praying and shit?’
    ‘I’m looking for something.’
    ‘Well it ain’t in here, man, it’s out there, hiding behind every pretty face on the street.’
    ‘Lisa was a Catholic. Is a Catholic.’
    ‘My girlfriend wears false nails, but you don’t see me in the nail bar.’
    ‘I could imagine it.’
    ‘Come on. These Catholics, man, they believe in God and celibacy and all that. No sex before marriage. These are the ones I fear most of all. Do you think you can catch celibacy?’
    ‘I hope you do. I would love to see the look of disappointment on your face, Eddie.’
    ‘Hey, this is your thing, that’s cool. I ain’t judgemental. I like a man with quirks. I can do quirks. I myself like to pee with my eyes closed just to see if I can keep to the bowl. It’s a challenge thing. And come the power cut, I’m the ladies’ best friend. Precision is my thing. So you know, I get this whole quirk thing.’
    ‘It’s not a quirk.’
    ‘It is a quirk, Tom. You’re sitting in someone else’s living room with a bunch of other folk saying nothing and speaking to Mr Invisible. That’s a mighty big quirk. Might be the biggest of them all.’
    Tom smiled at his buddy. ‘It’s good to see you, Eddie.’
    ‘That’s better, man. Now give me some chest hair.’ Eddie wrapped his arms round Harper and pressed his body in tight. ‘God, I’ve missed you, man.’
    Harper pushed him away. ‘Enough.’
    ‘I’m an emotional man, Harps, I don’t have to hide it. I love you, brother. Look at you. Can I say something?’
    ‘You look like shit. Don’t you eat? Sleep? Wash? Fuck, man, you can’t short cut the basics.’
    ‘How did you know I was here?’
    ‘You been here a few times since, you know, since she walked out. I look out for you, watch your back. I was worried.’
    ‘Following me?’
    ‘Not so much following. I see it as guarding and protecting. You need a guardian angel, Harps.’
    ‘If you’re my angel, then I’m in real trouble, so how about you shut up and let me sort this out with the man upstairs.’
    ‘Don’t be asking for a replacement, Harps. I’ll sit nice and tight here, quiet as you like.’
    They paused. Eddie looked all around him. The silence lasted four seconds. ‘Harps, there ain’t no hot chicks in here. You should go gospel. I’m telling you, I nearly went evangelical myself when I saw what they got stashed in them Harlem churches. Harlem Gold. I’m telling you!’
    Harper laughed. ‘Enough, Eddie. They can hear you.’
    ‘Come and talk to me outside or else I will not shut my mouth and I make that pledge in the eyes of Mr Invisible.’

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