American Revenant (Book 3): The Monster In Man

American Revenant (Book 3): The Monster In Man by John L. Davis IV Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: American Revenant (Book 3): The Monster In Man by John L. Davis IV Read Free Book Online
Authors: John L. Davis IV
Tags: Zombie Apocalypse
moving.”  Though he tried, he was unable to avoid Rebecca’s hard look, and it
made him squirm uncomfortably.
    Over the next hour the
entire group assembled in the main hall, women included, went over plans for
the mission.  They devised and revised as each person made suggestions, until
they felt that they had a solid, viable plan of action in place.  
    Rick stood up,
stretching, “I’m going to spend a little time with Trish and Tyler.  Everyone
meet back in here in an hour.” 
    Those with families,
children, took the opportunity to enjoy some time just throwing a ball, or
talking and laughing, several stood on the ball field with bows, practicing
archery together.
leaving for the mission tried their hardest not to let fear and apprehension
ruin the time.  Those being left behind soaked in the moments spent together,
hoping they wouldn’t be the last.

    Chapter 10
    The six men comprising
the assault group took several hours to get to a small house at the end of
Parkview Drive.  After consulting local maps, they felt that the house would be
the wisest choice as a jumping off point for their operation.  Vehicles were
left miles away, the men walking, using the surrounding woods and landscape to
reach their destination unseen.
    The men did not delude
themselves into thinking that they could begin and end this easily.  The only
member of their group with combat experience would be on top of the mental
health building directly across the highway from the armory, acting as
overwatch, providing long range fire support. 
    The house they now
huddled in, waiting for dusk, was close enough to the main road to allow them
easy access while large patches of trees helped to screen them from view. 
    The battle group took
only minutes to clear the house, easily killing the one zombie they found in
the kitchen.  The corpse was set outside, behind some thickly overgrown shrubbery. 
    Mike leaned against the
counter, eating chili straight from the can with a spoon he had taken from one
of the kitchen drawers.
    “There’s more in the
pantry there guys,” he said, waving his spoon in the direction of the open
pantry door. 
    “Mike, that’s your second
can of that shit.  One more and we can just march you right up to these
assholes and have you gas ‘em.” 
    “That’s not a bad idea,
Jimbo!   End this without a shot,” Mike fired back with a grin.
    Alex looked up from the
table, where he was opening a stale package of crackers.  “I don’t see how you
can eat that stuff.”
    “What do you mean? 
Nothing wrong with this,” Mike said around a mouthful of food.
    “I mean without these,”
Alex grinned, pointing at the crumbling white squares.  “Gotta have crackers
with chili.”  Getting up from the table, he stepped into the pantry, grabbing a
can for himself.
    “This place is damn close
to the armory,” Dean said, looking through the window over the kitchen sink,
seeing only trees and the topmost portion of the armory roof in the distance.
    “Yes it is, what’s your
point, Deany Meany?”
    Dean turned, scowling at
Jimmy before realizing that was exactly what he wanted, to jab at him.  “Why
hasn’t this place been cleared out?  That’s what I mean.  There’s a bunch of food
and bottled water, medicines in the bathroom, even a .22 rifle and that old
shotgun in the closet.  This place is a mini treasure trove.  Why haven’t those
guys cleaned any of this out?”
    Calvin leaned back in the
kitchen chair, balancing on the rear legs.  “Lazy, maybe?  Or they have enough
stuff that they don’t need to scavenge for food anymore.”
    “I doubt these people are
lazy.  You don’t survive this long by being lazy,” Dean told his brother.
    “I really have no idea,
Dean.  This stuff is here, and I have no problem using it.”  Calvin came down
slowly in the chair, to avoid slamming the front legs, though the wood creaked
loudly as he did so.
    “Don’t think about it

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