A Little Lost

A Little Lost by R.S Burnett Read Free Book Online

Book: A Little Lost by R.S Burnett Read Free Book Online
Authors: R.S Burnett
pulling me in closer.
                  “I think I still love him” I admit out loud and to myself for the first time in two years around a yawn.
                  “I think you always will honey” he sighs and turns the light off, leaving me in the dark and silence with just my thoughts.
                  It’s been two nights since I finally admitted my feelings aloud.
                  I’ve locked myself in the house away from the curious eyes of everyone in town, the worried eyes of friends and just plainly out of sight of Chris. I know I love him but I’m struggling with the fact that I’m possibly in love with two men at once.
                  Part of me understands that I love Kyle and probably always will, he was my first love after all. We started dated when I was a junior and he was senior in High school and stayed together until he left for LA, so he could pursue a music career just over five years later the year I graduated college.
                  I kept up with Kyle’s career over the years which wasn’t hard because he became successful fast and was lead singer for the band Forgotten Laws until they recently broke up.
                  I don’t know what I hope to gain from hiding but whatever reason brought the idea on was forgotten the second I realized it wasn’t working. My father’s condition has gotten worse; he now has oxygen tanks in his room and is constantly hooked up to them because he can’t breathe properly on his own and a nurse visits nightly.
                  When I open the front door, I come face to face with Cat.
                  “Shit” she mutters and pulls me out of the house by my arm.
                  “What are you doing?” I ask as she drags me down the path trying to pull up my top that has fallen off my shoulder.
                  “You look like shit” she says over her shoulder to me.
                  I don’t have to reply, I already know this. I’m wearing one of my dads old tops which is a hundred sizes to big for me with yoga pants and flip flops. MY blonde hair that is usually a cloud of bouncy curls is tied into a knot on top of my head. I know I must have red swollen eyes though because I have been crying a lot.
                  She leads me down the path that takes us through a shortcut across the beach and slows her pace down for me. She wraps her arm around me and doesn’t say another word, just walks silently with me.
                  “How did you know where I was?” I ask breaking the silence.
                  “I bumped into Kyle earlier”
                  “I should have known, he can’t keep a secret to save his life” I grumble.
                  “Yeah well, take that up with him”
                  “I’m not talking to him”
                  “Yeah we’ll see” I hear her say although I think she didn’t man for me to but pulls me against her tighter. “You sure picked a good day to look like crap” she sighs and I look up to see Kyle with his parents and Amber, all dressed for a day on the beach.
                  “My dads top looks better than that bikini top right” I ask dying inside but not able to tear my eyes away from Kyle in just swim shorts.
                  “Nope, she looks like a goddess” Cat points out cheerily.
                  “I need a new best friend” I snap at her taking my frustrations out on her.
                  “Try to reign in the bitch Lou, they’re coming over”
                  “Whatever” I grumble as she changes our path to meet them half way when Kyle’s mother calls my name.
                  Kyle parents give me

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