
Amnesia by Rick Simnitt Read Free Book Online

Book: Amnesia by Rick Simnitt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rick Simnitt
moment, however, he knew exactly who was walking through the door and he wasn’t sure he cared how he looked. Stanton was an arrogant surgeon who wanted power and prestige and thought the “Good Senator” was the way to get it. He wasn’t the only one of course, but something about him rankled Gregg immeasurably, probably the way that he kept dropping his late father Ralph Stanton’s name. And Gregg really disliked Ralph.
    “Gregg, so sorry to hear about your daughter,” the slick doctor sympathized as he walked through the mahogany door. He wore an expensive suit that probably cost more than the Senator’s monthly expenses. The left breast pocket sported a perfectly pressed handkerchief. His tie was the latest version of a “power” tie, an almost shiny bright blue, just the right shade to accent the man’s suntanned face. His shirt was tailored , sporting gold cufflinks announcing his wealth to the world. Even his shoes were the expensive leathers that you only found in the upper class catalogues.
    Yet it was the bearing that exuded wealth more than the clothing. Beyond the m anicured nails, perfect teeth, and hair that always had that “just stepped out of a salon” look that be spoke of money , his aura of charisma and confidence filled the room with his dominion and authority However, it was his eyes that spoke the most volumes, shouting to the world that this man was born to conquer. And rule.
    “Thank-you Darrion,” the man behind the desk answered, almost sarcastically, pointing to the plush leather chair opposite him. “What brings you around this morning?”
    “Why , I simply wanted to let you know that I’m incensed by this cowardly act, and wanted to pledge whatever support I can give. Have you found anything yet?”
    Windham inwardly cringed at the thought of having Stanton anywhere near his trials, but also knew that without his support, and his father’s before him, he wouldn’t be the senior senator from Idaho. “Actually, no, we’ve heard nothing yet. However the FBI is optimistic that if we haven’t had a ransom note by now, the kids might not have really been kidnapped, perhaps just gone away for the weekend.”
    “I hope that’s all it is,” Darrion replied, “but it is Monday afternoon, and no one has seen them yet, right?”
    “True,” Gregg answered with a sigh, “but that is all we can hope for now.”
    “Well, they are just kids, after all, I guess,” the doctor opined, “and you know that kids do this type of thing. I even flew over to Paris for a weekend once. I thought my father would have a heart attack on the spot, but we all survived. I’m sure they will be back any time now and we will all have worried for nothing.”
    “Thank-you, Doctor Stanton, I’m confident all will turn out alright. We have the best teams working on it and I’m sure we will get it resolved happily.” He stood, and came around the desk, trying to usher his guest back toward the door.
    Darrion also stood, taking the hint, letting Windham lead him out. “Oh, Gregg, one more thing.”
    Windham froze, sensing what was coming, the hair on the back of his neck warning him to tread lightly. He pasted his politician smile on and turned back to his guest.  He wished he were larger than his five-foot-ten, 130 pound frame offered, perhaps then he wouldn’t feel quite so intimidated by the six-foot-two man facing him. He swallowed the thought as well as his concerns, and managed a polite “Yes?”
    “About that position we were discussing, the National Medical Czar replacing the Surgeon General, have you heard anything yet?”
    “Doctor Stanton, as I told your father,” Gregg answered the query, “I am doing all I can on the hill. This is congress, after all, and things move slowly.”
    “Good, Gregg, what more can we expect?” Darrion offered in a conciliatory tone that reminded Windham of the spider and the fly. “I know you’ll do what’s right.”
    Windham opened the door, bid

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