An Heiress For The Bear (Sarkozy Brothers 2)
softly as she grabbed the files and put them together. "I don't trust you."
    Lukas frowned. "What did I do to deserve that?"
    Kat glared at him. "Not what you did. What your damned brother did."
    "I don't have a brother."
    Kat shook her head sharply. "Fine, your cousin then. Marek Sarkozy is a pig, and I'm not sure that trait doesn't run in your veins too."
    "Marek?" Lukas asked. "Did Marek do something to you?" He wasn't sure how he'd handle it if she said yes.
    Kat laughed. "Not to me. To Carson. He broke her goddamned heart, and she won't tell me why."
    "You know Carson?" Lukas asked, taking a step away from Kat, his skin going a little grey.
    Kat nodded. "Yes, she's my roommate and my best friend. The past few weeks have been awful. The woman is broken, and Marek did that."
    Lukas shook his head. "I'm really sorry about Carson. I had no idea you knew her." There was an odd tone in his voice that brought Kat's head up sharply.
    "Why? Would you have stayed away had you known?" His eyes widened, but she didn't care if she'd misunderstood. "Maybe you should just stay away from me. It's safer that way, because right now, I don't trust anyone with the name Sarkozy."
    Lukas just stood there, feeling a little shell-shocked. And Kat looked supremely grateful. He didn't say anything as she grabbed her purse and headed for the door.
    "I'll have a look at the papers and make the necessary changes. You'll have them tomorrow."
    Lukas nodded. "I'm heading out to see..." He'd almost mentioned Marek's name then thought it best not to. "I'll be out of the office tomorrow. I'll only be back late. Remember the documents are for our eyes only. Don't leave them on my desk. I'll come to you if I get back too late."
    Kat nodded and flung the door open before disappearing into the corridor.
    Lukas shook his head. His brain must be failing him. Had he really just said that to a woman who'd told him she wanted nothing to do with him? But what scared him the most was that he'd meant it in more ways than one.
    He would go to her if he had to.

15. KAT  

    K AT SLAMMED THE DOOR TO her apartment, completely forgetting about disturbing Carson.
    She was so mad. Mad with Lukas, yes, but she was more angry with herself than anything. She'd totally lost control with Lukas.
    Just one touch from him had been enough. She'd had to struggle to keep her damn panties on. She shook her head. What the hell was wrong with her? This wasn't like her to lose it over a guy. All her life she'd held herself aloof from men and romance.
    And what Lukas was doing to her was not acceptable.
    Knowing about Marek, and the fact that Lukas was her boss, Kat hadn't wanted to get involved with him, and yet, she'd let him kiss her and touch her. How was she supposed to keep this whole anonymous donor farce going if she kept this up?
    And how was she supposed to face him in the office again? All those sounds she'd made when he'd touched her in places that still ached for him... Kat's cheeks were red as she stormed into the kitchen. Carson was awake and sitting at the kitchen counter, reading a novel and poking at a plate of scrambled eggs.
    "Hey, babe," Kat said as she dropped her briefcase on the table and sank down beside her friend. Her hair had that glossy, oily, unwashed look that wasn't very flattering, and Kat lifted a gunky strand, giving it a pointed look.
    "Yeah, I know." Carson gave her a faint smile and batted Kat's hand away. "This is what you get for falling for a guy like Marek."  
    "Mmm... That's exactly what I'm afraid of," mumbled Kat, her breasts tightening at the thought of a different Sarkozy doing delicious things to her body.
    "Huh?" Carson eyebrows rose.
    Kat waved her off. "Nothing. I'm just being silly. Too much on my mind."
    "So you're definitely throwing money at the firm?" asked Carson, her voice neutral now. Kat knew that it meant the discussion was not to enter personal territory. And she was completely happy with that.
    Kat nodded. "Yup. It's a great

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