An Oath Broken

An Oath Broken by Diana Cosby Read Free Book Online

Book: An Oath Broken by Diana Cosby Read Free Book Online
Authors: Diana Cosby
lady, you and your maid are to turn your mounts and make your way back into the trees.”
    “What about you?”
    He stared at her in disbelief. Of all times for her to show concern. “Do nae worry about me, this is what I am paid for.”
    She hesitated, then guided her horse toward the woods.
    “Follow me!” Giric yelled to his men and kicked his mount into action.
    Snow flew from his steed’s hooves as he led them into the shadows of the forest. Through the batter of hooves, a bloodcurdling battle cry ripped through the valley. Like a nightmare, men exploded from the pristine setting above, closing fast.
    Giric withdrew his broadsword. “To arms!” He turned his mount hard, caught up with Lady Sarra, and reached toward her. “Take my hand and pull yourself behind me.”
    She hesitated.
    She caught his palm.
    Giric hauled her behind him onto his mount. “Hang on.”
    The battle cries grew.
    Shadows of men appeared through the stand of trees, their fierce cries echoing through the forest.
    Branches slashed against his body, stung his face. Giric urged his horse faster.
    “To your right,” Colyne yelled from behind.
    Giric swerved and barely missed a leather-clad man charging from a thicket.
    Behind them, the first clash of steel echoed throughout the forest. Grunts melded with the impact of bodies.
    A horse screamed.
    Another burst of battle cries exploded behind them. More mail-clad warriors poured from the woods at his side.
    Blast it! Giric rode to Colyne’s side. “We are going to have to split up. Take her maid. I shall head north, then round back. We will meet at Archerbeck. If I am nae there when you arrive, head east to your brother’s and wait. I will come.”
    Colyne nodded and rode toward Alicia.
    “Sir Knight,” Sarra yelled from behind him.
    Giric shook his head. “Hold on and prepare for a hard impact!”
    Her surprised question was lost as he let the rush of the fight fill him. Releasing his own fierce battle cry, he raised his broadsword.
    And kicked his steed into a full gallop, on a collision course toward the warrior charging straight toward them.

    S now whipped Sarra’s face as Sir Knight’s horse surged forward. Was this how her life would end, clinging to a Scot she barely tolerated only to be cut down by another?
    Six lengths from the attacker, Sir Knight yelled another battle cry.
    Long red hair streamed out in his wake as the aggressor raised his blade, leaned forward in his saddle.
    Five lengths.
    She held her breath.
    Four lengths.
    The muscles of their horse bunched and surged forward. Sir Knight’s body tensed beneath her hands.
    Three lengths.
    Oh, God.
    Two lengths.
    This was it! She braced for the collision.
    A second before impact, Sir Knight swerved his mount hard to the left. Steel merged with a vicious scrape.
    She screamed.
    Sir Knight raised his sword. “Hold on!”
    “I am trying!”
    “Do better.” Sir Knight wheeled his mount toward the west and kicked him into a gallop.
    Icy air rushed down her throat as they rode, trees blurred past, and hooves thudded on snow like muted thunder. Heart pounding, she glanced back, watched as their attacker raised his bow.
    Sarra turned. “Sir Knight—”
    An arrow hissed past, then another.
    “Saint’s breath! Hang on!”
    She looked back.
    Several men rode alongside their pursuer and were bearing down on them while reloading their bows. The man leading the scraggly lot withdrew another arrow from his quiver.
    “There are five men behind us,” Sarra warned.
    Sir Knight urged his mount faster. “I know how blasted many they are.”
    They raced toward the dense swath of forest, the yells and clash of battle fading in their wake.
    Another arrow hissed past, too close for comfort. With her entire body shaking, Sarra leaned against Sir Knight. Why did their pursuers want her? What would happen if they caught them? Would they kill her? Would Sir Knight let them?
    “Duck!” Sir Knight

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