An Unexpected Love (Women's Fiction/BWWM Romance)

An Unexpected Love (Women's Fiction/BWWM Romance) by Stacy-Deanne Read Free Book Online

Book: An Unexpected Love (Women's Fiction/BWWM Romance) by Stacy-Deanne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stacy-Deanne
    “He never learned how to deal with his
illness.” She grabbed her drink. “You gotta understand the time he came from. I
don’t know how it is in white families, but black people don’t talk about
stuff. At least they didn’t when he was young. If you had mental illness, they
just accepted it and went on. No one tried to get people help or take them to
doctors in those days. Plus, his mother had it, so…”
    Cross set his sandwich in his lap. “I bet
it was hard growing up with him.”
loved my daddy.” She smiled. “We were very close. He was a great father and a
very nice man…until he drank. He thought the booze helped him, but it made him
worse. All hell broke loose when he drank. My momma left him four times when we
were younger. He didn’t abuse us or anything, but he just got out of control at
    “You said you had sisters?”
    “Two.” She nodded. “I’m the oldest. Then
there’s Val. Corrine’s the baby. Since I was the oldest, I was the one helping
Momma whenever Daddy acted a fool.” She slightly chuckled. “It was so hard
seeing him suffer, because I know how it feels to succumb to the darkness. I
just wish he hadn’t been so damn stubborn and had gotten some help.” She sipped
juice. “Maybe he’d still be alive today.”
    “I’m sure he wanted to be here for you and
your sisters. You gotta believe that.”
    She looked at her sandwich. “Thanks.”
    “Layla!” Gertie, who managed the front
desk, waved from across the yard. “You have a visitor!”
    “I have a visitor?” She put her sandwich
down, looked at Cross, then stood. “I wasn’t expecting anyone.”


    Corrine walked from behind Gertie, holding
her Gucci purse by the strap.
    “Corrine!” Layla jumped up and down. “Girl,
I didn’t know you were coming!”
    Corrine ran across the yard and hugged
Layla. “Hey, honey.”
    “I’m so glad to see you.” Layla put her
arms around her. “I’ve been down lately.”
    “Oh, I’m sorry.” Corrine let her go and
examined Layla’s expression as always. “Even in here, you look like you stepped
off a damn magazine cover.” She poked her arm. “I hate you.”
    “Hey, you’re Corrine Oates from the nine
o’clock news.” Cross stood and brushed off his jeans. “Wow.”
    “Hello,” she greeted with a smile.
    Cross gawked at her. “Jeez, Layla. You
didn’t tell me Corrine Oates from the news was your sister.”
    “Corrine, this is my friend, Cross Evers,”
Layla said.
    He took her hand. “It’s very nice to meet
    Corrine dipped her head. “It’s nice to
meet you too.”
    “You’re even prettier in person.” He
looked back and forth at the sisters. “You guys were definitely blessed in the
looks department. I bet your parents beat the boys away with sticks when you
were growing up.”
    Corrine giggled. “You’re a charming one,
aren’t you?”
    He put his arms behind his back. “I guess
    “And what’s this?” Corrine stepped on the
blanket. “A picnic?”
    “Cross did it for me.” Layla beamed. “He
wanted to cheer me up.”
    “I see.” Corrine raised an eyebrow. “Did
he succeed?”
    Layla nudged her. “Corrine.”
    “Why don’t I let you two talk for a little
bit?” Cross smiled. “I’ll be in the rec room if you need me, Layla.”
    “Okay.” She stared at his perfect ass as
he walked away.
    “Well, well, well.” Corrine gestured in the
direction Cross left in. “If I’d known they had hunks like that in here, I’d
have checked myself in too.”
    “You’re so bad.” Layla sat down on the
blanket. “Before you start…it’s not even like that.”
    “Uh-huh.” Corrine brushed down her fitted
dress and sat beside her. “Don’t tell me it’s not like that. If it’s one thing
I know, it’s when a man has the hots for a woman.”
    “What are you talking about?” Layla laid
the rest of her sandwich in the basket. “We’re just friends.”

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