Anarchy in New Enlgand

Anarchy in New Enlgand by Joe Jarvis Read Free Book Online

Book: Anarchy in New Enlgand by Joe Jarvis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Jarvis
with some sheets, a coffee table, and a TV. His kitchen was dirty with all of the few plates, pots, and pans he owned piled in the sink, as they had been for months. The trash emitted a fishy odor, and overflowed with takeout boxes, and wrappers left over from weeks of being ignored. Every couple of months Trix would find a day of inspiration, clean his adap – well, his version of clean – and look into getting a job, or rejoining UtopaCorp. It usually lasted until about 16:00 when he would break down and go to buy or find more drugs. He had been a daily user for less than two years.
    At 18 Trix went to work for UtopaCorp since he didn't have many other options. UtopaCorp was one of a few companies that would offer a job to practically anyone who wanted a job, and would follow UtopaCorp’s rules. Usually it was "hippies," or people who wanted to party, who couldn’t organize their lives, or young folks who didn't have many friends or family that joined up. The company would offer low take home pay, but take care of every aspect of their employees’ life. Apartments were included, and the advertising stayed in the halls so employees could relax without products being shoved in their faces. Meal plans were included for all employees, and a plethora of sports, clubs, and activities were planned by employee groups for down time and weekends. They worked more hours than most people – about 40 each week – but the jobs were generally easy, and employees had no stresses of paying bills, or worrying about...well, anything really.
    UtopaCorp placed workers in one of their many roles, top-heavy towards manual labor and low skill jobs. The company would offer all sorts of contracts that made sense for different people. Some employees had practically no access to their wages, as specified by the original contract they signed, instead placing the pay into high-interest accounts to earn money and help them control their spending. Others would take all their money up front.
    UtopaCorp was willing to structure employment in a way that worked for the individual, as long as they showed up when you were supposed to, and did the job required. Trix lasted a little over two years with the company before he couldn't handle the structure anymore, and quit. He traveled with the money he had saved up until that ran out eight months later, at which point he had already formed some bad habits from some of the people he chose to associate with. It was another year before Trix was unable to hold a job for more than three weeks, and that is when he became a daily drug user. Trix knew his 25th birthday was looming, and it depressed him.
    He thought about how unfair it was that he was stuck in some crummy adap while so many in the world had so much. He felt sorry for himself that during his traveling days he could only afford level 3 pods while he watched snobby college kids grab a level 1 with their daddy's credit. He heard you could order drinks in the level 1 pods, and they would pop up cold and fresh from the storage compartment below, but he had never been in a level 1 pod.
    As Trix injected half a gram into his arm with an EZ-Ject syringe (which also appeared in an advertisement on the wall a few feet away), he fell into a nirvana like daze of imagining his life if he were rich.
    Half dreaming, he imagined what it would be like to get a nano-bot injection of immune boosters that eliminate 97% of disease before the host even notices them, never having to feel sick, never having to wait two weeks to get rid of scabies with the topical ointment from the free clinic. He pictured himself taking a trip to a moon resort, driving the rovers over craters, and laying in a lounge chair under the glass dome, being waited on, while gazing at the earth from a perspective he would never know. Trix wanted to eat at Hillside, and be invited to a party on Mount Olympus – the most exclusive venue in the world, which actually was located on one of Mount

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