Ancient Prophecy

Ancient Prophecy by Richard S. Tuttle Read Free Book Online

Book: Ancient Prophecy by Richard S. Tuttle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Richard S. Tuttle
Tags: Fantasy, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Young Adult
dwarf Prince did not give his captors the satisfaction of reacting to the blow and after another punch the leader walked on.
    The leader stood in front of Jenneva and made a remark that Alex could not translate. The group behind him roared in laughter again. The leader reached his hand out towards Jenneva and Alex started straining to get free of his ropes. The leader’s hand returned to his side with a stilted motion and the crowd started laughing again. The leader turned and yelled at the crowd, his face dark with fury. The crowd dispersed and the leader shouted something and stormed back to his tent.
    I’m sorry, Alex. I could not resist. I could not let him touch me.
    Your magic was well timed, Jenneva. You have stopped me from killing an elf. Do you have any idea what he was saying?
    You don’t want to know his comments regarding me, but his parting comment was that we are to be executed as spies in the morning.
    Alex surveyed the camp. There were probably three hundred elves in the camp. His small group would have no chance of breaking free and escaping unless it could be done magically. Jenneva, is there any chance that you or Egam could use magic to free us during the night?
    I don’t see how, Alex. I can move things by looking at them and concentrating, but I can’t look behind me, or behind you, for that matter. Most spells require some movement. I could try controlling one of the elves with Thy Master’s Hand, but I would have to have eye contact with him to get the spell started. I think we are much too far from the campfires for me to execute the spell during the night. Even if one of the guards came over here tonight, I doubt he would keep eye contact with me long enough to get it started. They seem to have different activities for their eyes when they are around me.

Chapter 4
    Borundi entered the barrister’s office and sat in the chair reserved for clients. The barrister looked up and reached for a stack of papers on the corner of his desk.
    “You must be Stafa Rakech,” greeted the barrister.
    “Actually, I am but his humble servant,” Borundi replied. “Do you have the paperwork ready?”
    “Ah, yes,” stated the barrister. “This is all quite unusual, mind you. Alistar Tergrez was the richest man in the country and the property description of his estate is quite lengthy. Hard to imagine such a wealthy man being murdered by a common thief. And his widow selling his home within a day of the tragic event has really caused us quite a fuss, I can tell you.”
    Borundi just smiled. He knew it was not coincidence that the owner of the largest, most lavish home in the city of Trekum should decide to quickly vacate just when Borundi had need of the building. Actually, Borundi corrected himself, when the fictitious Stafa Rakech needed it.
    “Do you have authority to consummate the transaction?” the barrister asked.
    Borundi handed over a piece of paper to the barrister. “I have my Master’s complete confidence,” he replied.
    “Very irregular,” stated the barrister. “Why doesn’t Stafa Rakech sign these papers himself?”
    Borundi leaned forward and lowered his voice to a whisper. “I am sure that I can trust your confidence. Stafa Rakech is never seen in public. In fact, his name is almost never used in documents at all. Most of his holdings are in the name of companies and well chosen associates. He does not like anyone to realize the vastness of his wealth, which is many times greater than Alistar Tergrez could ever have imagined possessing. Perhaps it is the fear of enduring a similar fate. This transaction is special to him, though. The mansion is to be a gift to his only daughter and heir, Miriam Rakech. She has been pestering him for a winter cottage in Trekum.”
    “A cottage!” whispered the barrister. “The mansion he is buying is second in size and greatness only to the Royal Palace. To marry his daughter would make some man richer than a king.”
    “Yes, quite

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