And Then There Were Three

And Then There Were Three by Renee Lindemann Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: And Then There Were Three by Renee Lindemann Read Free Book Online
Authors: Renee Lindemann
Tags: Romance, Sex, love, Marriage, menage, Multiple Partners, Comedy
that I just adore. I think the two of you have so
many amazing qualities and even if it’s for a little while I want
to be a part of that. I promise that no matter what I will not come
between this marriage, not that I think that’s possible, but I
would walk away first,” Nicole reiterated. “So dinner tomorrow
night at my place.”
    Mark surprised us both when he reached over
to kiss me first and then Nicole. I watched his hands find purchase
in her long brown hair. He pulled away from the kiss and pushed
Nicole in my direction. Our lips connected and the sweet
deliciousness that was her mouth was once again causing my body to
heat up. I thought the heavy breathing was coming from me but it
was actually coming from Mark. I guess watching me with another
woman was more of a turn on than he initially suspected. Nicole
pulled away from the kiss first. “I guess I should probably go. I
will see you both tomorrow.”
    Mark and I watched her move with absolute
fascination unable to do anything beyond a nod. When she reached
the front door our manners kicked in. Mark opened the door for
Nicole as I gave her a quick goodbye peck. I could see the pink
blush in her light skinned cheeks as she dropped her eyes to the
floor. “I can see you two need some alone time.” Mark gave her a
goodbye kiss then we watched her walk to her car. She appeared to
be a little unsteady on her heels but not in an inebriated kind of
way, in a giddy kind of way. Mark leaned against the closed door
exhaling loudly as I stood unsure what to do next. So much had
happened that we both felt drained. Mark extended his hand to me,
“No matter what happens this does not separate us.”
    “I meant what I said Mark. I will never walk
away from us,” I smiled softly. I love when he behaved like a
caveman and threw me over his shoulders carrying me to our bedroom.
I giggled like a little girl as he dumped me onto our bed. Mark
unclasped the garters to my thigh high stockings, rolling them down
slowly. Every time his fingers brushed against my skin I moaned
    “Do you want me?”’ Mark asked as he slipped a
finger beneath my lacy panties.
    “Yes baby I want you,” I replied, taking a
deep breath. Mark removed my clothes and just stared down at my
naked body. I started to feel more than naked, completely exposed.
All my insecurities and the new feelings I had for Nicole came to
the forefront as I fought back tears.
    “Mark, you know that I love you right?” My
lips trembled as I tried to get the words out.
    “I know you love me Eva. Do you still want
    “What I feel for Nicole is different? It’s
new but it does not undercut the love and attraction I still have
for you. Mark you will always be the man I need and the man I
    “I always want you Eva. But I have to admit
that I am curious about Nicole. Does that bother you in any
    “I thought that it would and with any other
woman I would be ready to fight to the death but I don’t feel that
way with Nicole. I think she is genuinely interested in both of us.
I am actually relieved to know that you are interested in her as
    “Can I have you now?” Mark removed his
clothes standing naked before me. I admired his lovely body as I
ran my fingers over his skin. The smooth texture and definition of
each muscle recorded in my memory for a thousand lifetimes. I sat
on the edge of the bed poised in front of his wonderful erection.
Slowly I ran my tongue over the tip and down the shaft. The soft
cry from my husband was all the encouragement I needed to do this
job. In a matter of minutes his hips were slowly thrusting into my
mouth as I relished the feel of him hitting the back of my throat.
A few times I purposefully gagged throwing off his movements as he
struggled to cope with the sensation. The power and control I felt
was working my libido into overdrive. It took everything I had not
to allow Mount Vesuvius to erupt into my mouth. I pulled the
lightweight duvet

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