Angel Uncovered

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Book: Angel Uncovered by Katie Price Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katie Price
gorgeous!' he exclaimed when they
walked in. When Angel walked over to him, he took her
hand and pulled her down on the sofa next to him. 'I'm
going to be fighting those Italian stallions off you in the
    Angel shook her head. 'No, you won't.' She turned to
Gemma and Rufus and added, 'Cal's a total babe magnet
here. If I didn't trust him, I'd wonder what he got up to
when I wasn't around.'
    He kissed her. 'I'm a one woman man,' he whispered.
'You're all I want.'
    'Get a room!' Gemma exclaimed in mock disgust. 'I
hope you're not going to be so lovey-dovey all night!'
    'You can talk!' Angel teased her friend back. 'How
many times have you texted Tony since you've been
    'A few,' Gemma answered coyly, and everyone laughed
because Gemma's phone had barely left her hand.
    Half an hour later, when they were all getting restless,
Jez finally made his entrance. He marched to the centre of
the room like a cat walk model, then stood, surveying his
audience, hands on hips. 'Suit by Armani,' he declared.
    'Bling by Theo Fennell. I like to wear my heart on my
sleeve,' he continued, holding out his arms and showing
off the white gold and diamond heart-shaped cufflinks:
'Aftershave by Dior and hair by Jez Jones. Will I do?'
    Cal laughed and said, 'Jez, if I wasn't a happily married
straight man, I'd be tempted.'
    'Be still my beating heart,' Jez replied, fluttering his
eyelashes at Cal, but then sat down on Rufus's lap and
gave him a kiss. They'd been a couple for four years – a
record for Jez – and Angel really hoped that they'd stay
together. Rufus seemed to give him the stability he
needed. Before they'd got together, Jez's anecdotes
about his many conquests had certainly been entertaining
and often eye-opening . . . but Angel knew that
deep down he craved the love and happiness he had
found with Rufus.
    For the first time in ages Angel was actually enjoying
herself – although that might have been down to the
number of champagne cocktails she'd been knocking
back since they hit the bar. But she knew it wasn't just the
drink that had lightened her mood, it was being with her
friends again. The depression which was always with her
and never seemed to lift, whatever she did, wasn't so
overwhelming for once. She gossiped and giggled the
night away. At one point, when everyone else was deep in
conversation, Cal turned to her and said, 'You look so
happy, have I got my girl back?'
    'What do you mean?' Angel replied. 'I haven't been
    'Haven't you?' he asked, a little sadly Angel thought. It
was hardly the place to reveal how depressed she had
been and still was, though, so she shook her head, not
wanting to pursue the conversation. She was just about to
give Cal a hug and suggest they should talk about it later
when Flavia sidled over to their table.
    She kissed Angel, murmuring how lovely it was to see
her, then Cal. Angel expected her to move on but she
stayed talking to him. In Italian, naturally. Finally Cal
said, 'I must introduce you to our friends, Flavia, they've
been dying to meet an Italian WAG.'
    She gave a tinkly laugh, that irritated the hell out of
Angel, and simpered, 'Of course!' While Gemma and
Rufus were polite to Flavia, Jez was clearly awe-struck as
she revealed that she was close friends with several top
designers and he proceeded to interrogate her about
    Traitor, Angel thought bitterly, scowling.
    'Chill, babe,' Gemma said quietly, sensing her bad
    Angel rolled her eyes and whispered, 'I just don't like
her. You watch her with Cal – she's all over him like a
    Gemma was about to reply when Flavia said, 'Angel,
you look gorgeous in that dress like I knew you would. I
helped Cal pick it out for you.'
    'Really?' she replied, looking at him with a what-the-fuck's-
going-on? expression.
    'I bumped into Flavia when I was shopping for
something for you,' he quickly explained.
    'Oh,' was all she could find to say. She wanted to go
home right now, rip off the dress and never wear it

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