Angel Uncovered

Angel Uncovered by Katie Price Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Angel Uncovered by Katie Price Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katie Price
She didn't want something Flavia had chosen – she
couldn't stand the woman. Flavia was smiling at her now
but Angel turned away. She was about to suggest to
Gemma that they should go to the ladies' room so she
could vent her anger in privacy but then Alessia turned
up at their table and Angel was forced into making
another set of introductions. But at least with her Angel
didn't feel threatened. Alessia was as charming and
friendly as she had been at lunch.
    Angel soon found herself asking indiscreetly, 'Is Flavia
like that with everyone's husband?' as Flavia yet again
monopolised Cal's attention, speaking Italian to him and
excluding everyone else.
    Alessia smiled knowingly. 'Yes, she is, but I'm sure you
have nothing to worry about. Cal is not going to fall for
her, is he? He's just for you – I'm right, aren't I?'
    'I hope so,' Angel answered, feeling miserable. She could
trust Cal, couldn't she? And Alessia replied reassuringly,
'I'm certain it is so.'
    Now that Flavia had joined her party, the night had
lost some of its sparkle for Angel. She would far rather
have returned to the villa and carried on talking to her
friends there, besides putting some more questions to Cal
about Flavia. But everyone else was having a great time
and Angel didn't think she could suggest that they leave
yet. So she pretended that she was having an equally
good time, dancing with Jez and Gemma and drowning
her anger in yet more champagne. They didn't leave the
club until after three and were all quite drunk except for
Cal who never lost control. His mother had been an
alcoholic throughout his childhood. She only got dry
when he was in his twenties, because he finally managed
to persuade her to go into rehab and paid for her
treatment. Maybe that was why Angel couldn't confide in
him about her depression – sometimes, however much
she loved him, Cal just seemed too bloody perfect. He
never messed up.
    Back home Angel didn't want the night to end and
suggested Bailey's which everyone took her up on,
except Cal who said he had to go to bed or he'd be wasted
for training the next day.
    'What a night!' Jez declared, lying back on the
sofa. 'That was such a fantastic club, Angel. You're so
lucky to be out here where everything and everyone is
so glam.'
    'Yes, especially the women,' Angel said bitterly,
thinking of Flavia.
    'Babe, you have nothing to fear from them ,' Jez said,
looking astonished. 'You are totally the fairest of them
    'Oh, really?' she said sceptically. 'Well, I wasn't very
happy to hear that Flavia chose this dress. She fancies the
arse off Cal. He's admitted it.'
    'So what if she does?' Gemma put in. 'He doesn't feel
the same about her, does he?'
    'No,' Angel grudgingly admitted. 'It's just that she
reminds me of Simone and I don't like her.'
    'Forget about her,' Gemma urged her friend. 'Don't let
her spoil your time here. So she fancies Cal? You know
lots of women do and you've learned to accept that, just
as he has to accept that loads of blokes fancy you.'
    Angel sighed, not really believing that anyone could
fancy her right now. 'It's just that I wanted everything to
be perfect for your stay and now I feel as if she's ruined
    'It's only ruined if you let it be,' Gemma told her.
'Come on, what about those drinks? '
    They only lasted another hour before staggering up to
their beds. Cal was already asleep. Angel unzipped her
dress, bunched it up and threw it into a corner – so what
if it was designer and cost a fortune? She was never going
to wear it again. She pulled on her silk PJs and got into
bed, and even though she was angry with him she still
curled round Cal, slipping one arm over him, enjoying
the feeling of his sleep-warmed skin.
    He wouldn't have an affair, would he? Not Cal.
    She tried to push the dark thoughts away, the thoughts
that tormented her, but one kept breaking through her
defences, and that was that she hadn't been much of a
wife to him lately. Would it really be that much of

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