to visiting Selange. Their baby was doing great and mother and child would be discharged tomorrow. He arranged for his family to go to his exclusive villa in the province of Cefula. She would be safe there and away from the paparazzi swarming the hospital for pictures of the Giacanti’s. Thankfully, her parents would accompany her and stay for a few days before going home. A pair of bodyguards would guard his family until….he gave a quiet sigh….until word was sent.
    For some reason Selange’s presence had a therapeutic effect. Maybe, it's because they shared a love of the arts and spoke unguarded about their love of such things. They hadn’t shared one moment alone since learning of the twin’s paternity. That was fine, but there were times he missed their easy conversations. “Do you need anything?”
    “Can you heal my husband, Geo and the others and change the series of events?”
    His eyebrows furrowed. Last night he had wondered the same thing. If he’d killed his mother and her husband, would he have stopped the carnage? “No, I can’t.”
    “Then family is all I need.”
    Fond eyes twinkled. “You never cease to amaze me kid.”
    “Why is that?”
    “Not many women can handle this life, especially one who wasn’t born into it.”
    “It’s called adapting.”
    Nico nodded. His brother’s wife had skipped out; she couldn’t deal with the prospect of getting gunned down or having children with someone who might become marked for death. He suspected Selange’s friend was that type of woman. He didn’t comment any more on the subject though. Stressing over the actions of others seemed like a waste of energy. Instead, he sat forward in order for Selange to view the sincerity of his face. “You’ve more than adapted. You’re what many might call, una Mafia Regina.”
    She squinted. “A Queen of Mafia?”
    “Good, Mafia Queen,” he answered with a grin. He couldn’t help but remember the time she’d mixed up a translation and inadvertently insulted a farmer some time back. “It’s a phrase I usually don’t like, but in your case it isn’t a negative connotation it’s quite fitting.”
    “No, it’s not Nico. I ‘m here by default, but I’ll stand by my husband because he’s not an evil person. I know him better than anybody and I’ve come to know the family history. I’ll be damned if I desert him or any of you at this juncture. We’re all family, now.”
    Her passionate speech caused him to grin. Alfonzo ruled organized crime and as his wife she reigned a t his side similar to a Queen, like it or not. “Simmer down. Don’t bust any stitches or they’ll keep you here longer.” His voice took on a more serious tone. “We’ve always been straight with each other, haven’t we?”
    She nodded in affirmation.
    “I have to go away on business, three days –tops that’s if everything goes according to plan. If you don’t hear from me in a week I’m dead kid and Ari might need a friend.”
    Selange’s eyes closed and she breathed deeply. He was telling her this…but why…why? Then her eyes opened. She had to remind Nico of his importance in many lives. Aside from his profession, he was also well-loved and admired. The five o’clock shadow on his rugged face at noon revealed his fatigue. He was feeling low and had come to share a confidence but hope is what he received. When a friend is downcast, uplifting their spirit with words of encouragement is crucial nourishment. Nico dealt with their enemies. She’d seen his demons come to life. An image of a face with its eyes pierced by steel that protruded from the back of the head flashed in her mind. The horrific sight had caused her to wretch. The other side of Nico was the connoisseur of art, food and poetry who loved family. His sketches were amazing, his knowledge in these delights, astounding. Yes, he was a killer, but a brutal butcher of a child’s dreams made him so. Nico deserved happiness, and a chance to live out his

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