Selange smiled. “Hi.”
    Shanda frowned. “You gave me a scare. I thought you were dead.”
    “Me, too.”
    “Thanks for keeping Carlo safe.”
    “Like I wouldn’t?”
    There wasn’t a grin or a wise-crack. Shanda’s severe expression remained. “I’m going back to Brooklyn. I can’t do this; I came to say thank you for protecting Carlo and I’ll always love you.”
    Selange’s face tightened. She had heard these words before from Shanda. The day her mother was murdered; a day she needed her friend most and instead Alfonzo had stepped in to fill her place. Shanda opted for the easy way out, yet again. She was burrowing into a hole to hide from life. “You’re leaving?”
    “Yes, my parents are here. I’m going to stay with them for a while.”
    “And what about Giuseppe…what about Carlo’s father…huh?”
    Shanda was dead serious when she said, “I love him but Carlo’s who I have to protect.”
    “Shanda…is this you talking or your parents…did they convince you to go ?”
    “Girl, they’re speaking the truth. A good mother shouldn’t subject her children to bullets and craziness for any man.”
    Selange gasped. Her abdomen hurt during the action. “So, you’re implying I’m a bad mother?”
    “No…no…I’m not saying that.” Shanda back-pedaled when she recognized the offense.
    “You know something Shanda, you’re a grown woman. If you want to run home to mommy and daddy every-time life gets real, then go right ahead. One minute you want independence and the next you’re acting like a child. And for your information I’m a good mother. I love my children and their father and unlike you I would never run out on Alfonzo when he’s injured. And, if I were to leave with his children, I wouldn’t do it when he’s incapacitated, I’d do it when he’s standing and healthy, like a real woman!”
    “Don’t Selange me…go… get out of here Shanda. Hide, but every day when you look in the mirror, I hope you see what a damn coward you are!”
    Selange pushed her face in the pillow because she didn’t want to hear any more from the spineless hussy, she also didn’t want Shanda to see her tears. Shanda was a selfish, self-centered bitch to do this to Giuseppe…to Carlo…and to her!
    The door clicked shut; the heffa actually left. Selange growled and leaped with the pillow, perched to toss it at the door when Nico stepped in. “Hey…whoa…did I do something?” he asked and she lowered the flimsy weapon.
    “No Nico, I’m just upset.”
    His mouth tugged downward at the corners. “Join the party kid. How you feeling because you gave me a helluva scare?”
    “Oh, I’ll be fine.”
    “Then why were you about to toss that pillow?”
    “Women stuff.”
    “Shanda’s parents are waiting in the lobby, I guess she’s high-tailing her ass out of Dodge, huh?”
    “She’s wrong to do this…I’m sick to death of her!”
    “Everyone handles things in their own way,” he offered in consolation, which was rather weak even to his ears. He didn’t understand Shanda either, fickle ass woman. She projected a tough attitude but the woman lying in bed with the softest disposition was a real warrior and Shanda, well, Nico considered her weak.
    The tension began to dissolve. “I suppose.”
    Nico gestured for the bodyguard to leave. He needed to have a private talk with his only female friend. The moment the soldati exited Nico claimed a seat beside her bed. He saw the bloodshot eye and gave no outward indication of concern, injuries like that he’d seen before and they were often worse in appearance. The doctor already confirmed the blood would clear and she’d have no problem with her vision. Confident she was on the mend and completely alert, he relaxed and folded his hands on his knee. “Ari had the baby.”
    “That’s wonderful Nico, congratulations.”
    “Thanks,” he said as she repositioned the pillow and reclined. He just had a long talk with Ari prior

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