Anita Blake 22 - Affliction

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Book: Anita Blake 22 - Affliction by Laurell K. Hamilton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laurell K. Hamilton
should have been able to see the words hanging in the air between us like flame.
    I kept my voice even but forceful as I said, ‘You’re the one yelling at me, Nilda. You’re the one who’s losing control in public like a newbie. Where is the famous discipline of the Harlequin?’
    ‘You do not know what discipline means,’ she growled. ‘You are a little girl who has not lived a lifetime yet. We are Harlequin!’ Her power poured around me, so hot it felt like it should hurt to touch my skin. I fought not to flinch and wondered how Nicky was standing so stoically barely an arm’s length from her. Proximity made the effect worse, and touching could be downright painful, yet Nicky stood like a boulder in the rush of that river of power. If he could do it, I could do it.
    I stepped down two more steps and it was like wading into a scalding bath, so hot you knew it would leave your skin red and hurting. ‘You guys fight good, but so far I haven’t been impressed with anything else. And this little girl is in charge of your ass, all your asses.’
    ‘Jean-Claude is in charge; you are less than an animal to call, you are only a human slave. You should not be in charge of anything!’
    Ah, here we had it. It was worse than being just the girlfriend, who everyone perceived as being given a management job because she was sleeping with the boss. In the old system of vampireland, preternatural power gave you rank – vampires first, then wereanimals, then human servants. Plain humans were pretty much just food.
    ‘You are not the boss of me, human, and neither is Nicky!’ She took a step closer to the big man who stood so silent in front of her.
    ‘He’s not in charge of you,’ I said, and I let down my shields and very deliberately touched the beasts inside me. I called my own otherworldly heat and let it trickle down into hers. I took two more steps down into the heat of her rage, and my voice growled low and deep as hers. I held tiger, leopard, wolf, and lion in me; all she held was bear. It was one of the brown bears related to Kodiaks and grizzlies, but bigger. Some of the ancient wereanimal lines held the last genetic link to some extinct animal lines. There were several werebears among the Harlequin’s animals to call, and they were big fuckers, but a bear was only one beast; I carried a menagerie in me. Jean-Claude’s vampire marks kept me in human shape, or had so far, but I held the beasts inside me, including every bloodline of weretiger. ‘I am!’ I let those two words carry my power.
    I was close enough to watch her eyes swim to dark reddish brown, her beast eyes in her human face. The eyes are usually the first to shift when a wereanimal begins to change. In all her displays of temper Nilda had never let her eyes change. Shit. My flashing power back should have calmed things down, because it showed I was ready to back down her threat with my own. Instead her eyes had gone. I so didn’t need this today.
    ‘You’re behaving like a first-moon rookie. Control yourself or go back to the Circus. We don’t need this shit.’
    ‘My orders are that you need six guards. I’m the sixth. I won’t disobey my orders.’
    ‘Fredo takes orders from me. If I say you go home, you go home.’
    She lowered her head, and I could almost see her power shimmer around her like a heat haze above a summer road. She swallowed it back, and when she looked up again her eyes were just blue and human, though the rage was still there plain to see. That was fine, she could be pissed; what she couldn’t be was out of control.
    ‘I will not disgrace my master.’
    Things were calming down, but it was too late as far as I was concerned. I didn’t have time to babysit Nilda’s issues. I felt sorry for her, even understood some of her rage, but Micah needed me and that was my priority. ‘I don’t have time to babysit your issues, Nilda. I’m sorry that your afterlife has sucked, but it’s not my problem today. Go back with

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