Apex Predators

Apex Predators by Natalie Bennett Read Free Book Online

Book: Apex Predators by Natalie Bennett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Natalie Bennett
kidnapped woman, screwed them, killed them, beat them
apparently and had them compete against his sick ass vampire tribe.
    Yet, here he was handling her as if she was a piece of
glass. He led her into the massive bedroom, “Get in bed.” She hesitated. “You
need to rest.” She moved onto the bed and lied on her stomach. She felt him
lift a soft plush comforter over her butt and leave it there as to not cover
her back.
    He sat on the bed beside her and she could feel his eyes
on her. He didn’t touch her, he didn’t even speak. That was one hundred percent
fine with her. She closed her eyes and tried to ignore his presence.
    When she opened her eyes again the lights in the room
were dimmed and she wondered how long she had been asleep. She sat up on her
elbows and looked around. She carefully moved so she was seated on her butt and
pulled her knees to her chest.
    She winced at the pain that small effort caused. Her back
was on fire and she blinked away the tears of pain that came to her eyes.
    She got a good look at the room now. This man had money.
She had assumed so based off his sick game he conducted but this really proved
it as she sat taking in his enormous room.
    The ceiling seemed to go up and up and was painted an off
white beige color that met the dark colored walls. The furniture in the room
was all European luxury style carved and matching. The colors of the room were
a deep royal blue, a dark teal and a deep gold. 
    The carpet was a damask theme in the same colors.  Thick
heavy curtains hung from the ceiling against the wall behind the bed.
    She looked up at the large chandelier that was hanging
above the bed by a thick gold chain. When she looked back down he was standing at
the foot of the bed by a plush velvet bed stool.  
    How the hell did he do that? He’s not human. Her mind
answered for her. “It’s time we discuss your options Morgana.” She didn’t say
anything to him and waited for him to elaborate while she pulled the blanket
over herself.
    He had just seen her fully nude but still, her dignity
wouldn’t let her just air it all out. He grinned at the gesture. “You have three
options. One, you can spend the rest of your days in the lower level of the
stable and I don’t want that for you, but my male vampires and some female’s
are very interested in playing with you.” She didn’t want to know what that
    “Two, you can go back to the trials tomorrow but I don’t
think you would do very well in your current state or Piper who would be going
with you, and your third option, you stay with me, you just have to give
yourself to me and you will never have to go back to the stable and none of my
vampires may touch you.” He stared at her.
    None of those options sounded good to her. She was not
going to be the play toy of his freaks, there was no way in hell she was
fighting one of his vampires and after they now killed some of them she
guaranteed they would make her pay dearly and she had no idea of Piper’s
condition. The third..she had no idea what that even entailed. She wasn’t
thrilled with that choice either.
    “Piper?” She asked. “Your friend will be with you here, she
has chosen the third option with my brother. He will take very, good care of
her.” He grinned when he got to very. She swallowed. “What is three?” She
couldn’t believe this but number three was the only option that would by her
some time.
    He smiled largely at her. “You become like me.” Her face
must have shown her reaction to that. “Not right away of course. I don’t trust
you; I would only half turn you. I’m not so bad, I can still walk in the sun, I
still eat your human food, and I’ve looked thirty-three for a very long time.
We will have eternity together.” She had to catch herself from gawking at his
insane mental psychotic ass.  “Why me?” He came way to close for her to be
comfortable with and took her hand.
    “No, one that has ever been brought to us is like you,

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