
April by Mackey Chandler Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: April by Mackey Chandler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mackey Chandler
and big businesses all wanted to be close to the cafeteria and communications office. The rent dropped off both ways around the ring the further you had to walk to them. There were a few automated carts delivering packages and less frequently small powered chairs or stand up transports for the few elderly or handicapped. But the corridor was nicely carpeted all the way across despite having some wheeled traffic.
    The wall coverings were expensive to show off corporate wealth, a couple had wood paneling that cost a fortune even before it was lifted to orbit. Some offices had windows on the corridor like Earth buildings. The view however did not stretch off into the far distance like an Earth city street. It was more like inside a shopping mall, broken into short lengths, with dividers of architectural art placed to keep the pedestrians from seeing the arch of the corridor curving up and away.
    The up swept view really disturbed some grounders. It made them see a false horizon that wasn't where experience said it should be. In an open corridor some people would unconsciously lean back so far they had trouble keeping their balance if they looked up and into the distance. It was a well worn joke among the long time residents if you asked how new someone was - they'd just lean back on their heels with their mouths open, so it looked like they were ready to fall on their back.
    This outside level was the only one spun up to a full gravity. With metal salt infused armor glass newly available at reasonable cost, when M3 was being designed, the architects thought people would enjoy a view-port, but the sight of everything spinning by was so disturbing to most people, the few installed were mostly shuttered now. There were just a couple open ports at intersection points for novelty and because visitors often asked to see them. But it was rare to see anyone really sit and stare out. So it was surprising when April approached the next intersection, where the communications center was located and a young man, obviously an Earthie, was sitting at a bench looking down at the port.
    Behind him, a monolithic display of mobile art blocked the corridor view, with a glittering fluid circulating inside the slab. The fellow seemed to be about college age, with very short hair and dressed Earth style with a jacket and hard shoes. He looked unusually athletic, with a bull neck and shoulders. April thought of her conversation with Heather about boyfriends. She was not comfortable with the idea of a real boyfriend yet, but an unbidden thought came, that when she was someone like this would do very nicely, thank you.
    She was embarrassed at her own reaction, but not enough to keep her from stopping to find out if he was a transient, or a new resident. She sat down across from him  waiting for him to notice her. Sometimes she could catch a little scent of Earthies, even the ones that didn't follow station custom and put on stinkum, or used aftershave or such. This fellow though had a slight medicinal scent, faintly mentholated like a cough drop.
    Now that she was close, she knew her first impression was wrong. He was looking down, but actually totally focused on the pad in his hands, rather than the port underneath. It was displaying some sort of blueprint, with regular rectangles and lines. He gave a little jerk of surprise and started to bring the pad up to hide it, but realized it was too late to do so and just thumbed it off. It was exactly how her friend Jerry had acted when she'd caught him looking at some porn on his pad and he had been embarrassed and guilty. He hadn't wanted her to know he was looking at such stuff.
    This fellow's reaction was odd. Why would he care what she saw him viewing? He was maybe twenty-six, she decided. A bit older than she thought at first, but no life extension work, or he wouldn't have the sun damage she saw already around his eyes. He seemed uncomfortable with her. Her older brother Bob had taught her how to put on

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