Apt [Running to Love 6] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Apt [Running to Love 6] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Allyson Young Read Free Book Online

Book: Apt [Running to Love 6] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Allyson Young Read Free Book Online
Authors: Allyson Young
Tags: Romance
were submissives. The other women wore little or nothing at all, and Fiona’s heart raced when she realized that she, too, might well be on display in the very near future. She’d always been one to value her privacy, and thought she was modest, but a little streak of exhibitionism lurked within her.
    “I think you’ve seen enough, little one. Come with me.” Andrew’s deep voice once again calmed her, and she let him guide her into a room and close the door behind them. Her heart rate again spiked. It resembled one of the rooms she had viewed on the Net. She recognized the spanking bench and the various implements hanging on the wall. Andrew motioned for her to examine the sex toys lying on the long table, and she willingly did so. Fiona could hear her own breathing, loud in her ears, rivaling the beating of her heart.
    “Remove your clothing.”
    She heard the words as if at a great distance and made herself comply, albeit with considerable effort. She’d never been totally naked in front of a man before, although she and Dave…She pushed that thought away. She knew enough to fold each item and set them on the table beside the toys. Andrew nodded approvingly, and she found herself standing taller and almost proudly for him. He was her teacher, her mentor, as strange as that might seem, and she was prepared to learn and embrace the experience. This was her first time, and there would be many more, both a continuation of tonight and the opportunity to learn different things and explore her own self.

Chapter Six
    The Club seemed quieter than usual, and it gave Dave and ’Stair a chance to catch up with the paperwork.
    “We need to look at some kind of an exchange program or something.” Alistair shuffled the papers on his desk and looked up at Dave.
    “Exchange program?”
    “Most of the members are married off and having kids. They still come for drinks and conversation, but only rarely to play, and I can’t expect them to pay full membership fees. We need a fresh infusion of people, or we’re going to go broke.”
    Dave knew that ’Stair was far from broke. He’d inherited money when his parents died and had invested wisely, unlike so many other people. But the Club was his baby, built on savings and sweat equity, and Alistair clearly didn’t want it to go by the wayside. And Dave didn’t, either. He liked working here and having family around him, even if it was perverted family, and he was beginning to allow himself to entertain the idea of expanding his world.
    He had worked on his shit with Dr. Massey and come to understand and accept that it was his insecurity and residual fear that kept him from allowing Fiona back into his life. He was afraid he’d regress because he didn’t totally believe in himself, and she reminded him of how fucked up he’d been back then. It had still been too fresh, although there was no way Fiona could have known it. Meredith had had high hopes for him until that debacle when she’d met Fiona, and she’d apologized for what she called “countertransference.” Dave had no clue what she was going on about, but figured that Max was right about his assertion about how blurred the boundaries had gotten. Meredith hadn’t given up until he worked things through and then parted professional ways with him, providing another shrink’s name in the event he needed follow-up.
    Alistair hadn’t even mentioned the incident to him, although Jackie would have spilled the beans instantly, and not just because it was expected that she share her burdens with her Dom. Dave soon realized that ’Stair expected him to fix it without the need for encouragement. His buddy assumed, quite correctly, that he’d make it right, and he was now in a headspace to do so.
    Dave had made the trip to Lansdown right after that last session with Dr. Massey. He was prepared to grovel at Fiona’s feet and apologize, although he was still hesitant about having any kind of relationship with her, even

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