assist with whatever direction the captain decides to take. I am currently crashing connections routed towards a number of individuals in your vicinity, and will continue to plot their locations to your screens. Please stay on the course I have set for you, and I will adjust as necessary.”
Jane had her wrist screen up as we moved up walkways in a large, open area. She stayed out ahead of Yak and I, and led us on a dizzying run up ramps, down ladders, across walkways, through side corridors, but always moving upwards and outwards.
We were climbing a ramp along a beautiful waterfall fountain that was spraying water from oscillating nozzles, resulting in a breathtaking slow motion helix as the water fell back down. The spray from the nozzles was lit from below, and the entire slow motion sequence was so captivating, I wish I could have sat there for hours. Unfortunately, Shorty and Yak were not keen on sticking around; I doubt they even noticed.
“Jane, be advised I have one individual currently holding station in the prep area for the topside lock . I am unable to intervene on your behalf without substantial loss of pressure to the habitat.”
“Thanks Janis, we'll just have to deal with him, I guess.” Shorty said, looking back at Yak pointedly. “Gene, we're getting close now, so here's what I want to do. Chances are better they won't notice me, so I'll go in first, and get near him. Give me to the count of ten before you enter the prep area, and stay to the left side of the room. Yak, give him a three count before you come in, and if we time it right, we can scoop him as he's headed for Gene. Sound like a plan?”
“Oo h-rah”, Yak said softly with a smile that looked like he meant it. Jarheads... they live for this sort of thing.
We topped out past the waterfalls and the signage for the lock hung ahead of us. At the corner, Shorty waved me back, and started off. I counted to ten, and then started walking, angled to the left side of the prep area as I came out of the corridor, eyes forward, not looking anywhere but a spot on the wall below a series of cage rentals. A small group of people had just walked in before us, and were getting suited up in the prep area; the left side of the room was empty.
I walked right over to one of the far cages and fiddled with the mechanism, as if I was trying to open or rent the space, and the only indication I had that something had happened, was Shorty tapping me on the shoulder.
“Did he--” I said quietly, turning around.
“Yes, he's asleep back along the benches. I zapped him right as he got up to follow you.”
“He's dead?” I hissed, in alarm.
“No, Gene, what do you think I am? He's asleep. I used the same hype they were going to use on Yak. He barely made it up off his chair. Nothing to it!” she said proudly.
“Nicely done, Jane ” Yak said softly as he moved up. “Now let's get suited up, it looks like we have about three minutes until the next grounder arrives, so we have to make it snappy.”
“Quick, fast like a bunny?” I said, laughing. If there's one thing my time in the service has given me, it's an endless supply of bizarre sayings. Shorty smiled, but Yak looked at me strangely… so I hopped over to the rack rental counter to illustrate my point.
Suiting up was fast, the same kid was on the counter and he remembered Yak. Either he liked us, or feared Yak – of course it could be a little of both – but we had our suits in no time. With the clock ticking down, watching chin gauges for sixty seconds seemed like forever, when you knew bad people were on your trail.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, those of you leaving on the blast pan transit should now make your way towards the lock at this time. Remember to check your seals, and thank you f or visiting Tranquility Habitat. Please come again!”
We passed through the lock as soon as it opened, and stood off to the side, just out of view of the corridor and prep area, watching the countdown on
London Casey, Karolyn James