but they are not abnormal or sick. All of us have caveman DNA and behaviors. They require patience and parenting, not drugs and the lockup.
Look at this another way. Do the female overseers ever stigmatize and punish little girls for doing any the following?
having too many friends
forming overly intense personal relationships
coloring too neatly within the lines and failing to be creative
being too obedient to authority
failing to challenge teachers and think outside the box
failing to take risks
lacking healthy aggression
getting goofy about boys
The social services plantation is the farm team for the criminal justice plantation. Cops, schoolteachers, and social workers are the gatekeepers to this village, but it’s a village of the damned. Guys, unless your own home is unbearable, you want to stay out of this place. You want to arrest-proof yourself to stay free and unprocessed until you can grow up enough to figure yourself out. Trust me. I know.
Every plantation has to inventory its inmates and place its mark upon them. The criminal justice plantation and, increasingly, its social services affiliates use the fingerprint. Everyone is stamped at birth with an indelible identifier, their fingerprints. Advances in computers make fingerprints an outstanding ID, an electronic tattoo.
Fingerprints are manually pressed with ink on paper. Then they are scanned, and their loops, whorls, and patterns converted into a number. This is called the Automatic Fingerprint Identification System (AFIDS). Computers can access records and establish identification quickly. A word here about definitions. Fingerprints lifted from crime scenes are often smudgy partials and difficult to match. What I’m talking about here are the carefully recorded prints in law enforcement records.
Police cruisers are already equipped in most cities with portable computers connected wirelessly to government databases. Soon fingerprint scanners will also be portable and wireless. This means that for anyone fingerprinted and processed through the criminal justice system, the fingerprint number will become the one, universal ID that cannot be faked and that can access all records. There will be no way to hide, and no way to lie about identity. Cops (and you can bet employers) will simply say, “Hold out those mitts.” One quick scan and they will know everything. Anyone who has been arrested will become a second-class citizen, always subject to police scrutiny.
Sooner than you think, the system will not only know who you are by cataloging information under your fingerprint number, but it will also be able to track where you go and what you do. Remember those thriller movies that begin with a satellite photo of planet Earth, followed by the camera zooming in to show a continent, then a country, then a city, then a city block, then a single person walking on the street? It seems preposterous, yet something similar already exists to monitor the inmates of the criminal justice plantation—global positioning satellite (GPS) locators and mappers. Unlike the movies, no photos are required, only a set of numbers that pinpoint your location by longitude and latitude and are accurate to within 15 meters. Here’s a description of the Sky Guardian system from Britain’s Guardian newspaper: “Unlike tags now used to enforce curfews for general criminal offenders, which communicate on localized radio frequencies, the new device uses global satellite positioning technology. This will allow probation services and police to pinpoint the wearer anywhere in the UK to within three meters.
The device is capable of providing a detailed diary at the end of every day of where the user has been.”
In other words, the state can map where you go all day, every day. If you violate your probation by stopping off to buy a beer after work, or by driving through certain prohibited neighborhoods, the state
Under the Cover of the Moon (Cobblestone)