Arthas: Rise of the Lich King

Arthas: Rise of the Lich King by Christie Golden Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Arthas: Rise of the Lich King by Christie Golden Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christie Golden
kind he is. It’s that I don’t have any choice in the matter. I’m—I’m like your horse. I’m a thing, not a person. To be given away as Father sees fit—to seal a political bargain.”
    “You—you don’t love Prestor?”
    “Love him?” Her blue, bloodshot eyes narrowed in anger. “I barely know him! He’s never taken the slightest…oh, what’s the use? I know that this is common practice among royalty and nobility. That we are pawns. But I just never expected Father—”
    Nor had Arthas. He’d honestly never given much thought to marriage for himself or his sister. He was much more interested in training with Muradin and riding Invincible. But Calia was right. It was common among the nobility to make good marriages to ensure their political status.
    He’d just never thought his father would sell his daughter like—like a broodmare.
    “Calie, I’m really sorry,” he said, and meant it. “Is there someone else? Maybe you could convince Father that there’s a better match—one that makes you happy as well.”
    Calia shook her head bitterly. “It’s no use. You heard him. He didn’t ask me, didn’t suggest Lord Prestor—he ordered me.” She looked at him pleadingly. “Arthas, when you are king, promise me—promise me you won’t do that to your children.”
    Children? Arthas was in no way ready to think about that. There weren’t even any—well, there was, but he hadn’t thought about her in—
    “And when you marry—Papa cannot order you as he orders me. Make sure you care for this girl and—and that she cares for you. Or is at least asked about whom she wants to share her life and her b-bed with.”
    She started to weep afresh, but Arthas was too shaken by the revelation that burst upon him. He was only fourteen now, but in four short years, he’d be of age to wed. He suddenly recalled snatches of conversation he’d heard here and there about the future of the Menethil line. His wife would be the mother of kings. He’d have to choose carefully, but also, as Calia had asked, kindly. His parents obviously cared greatly for each other. It was reflected in their smiles and gestures, despite many years of marriage. Arthas wanted that. He wanted a companion, a friend, a—
    He frowned. But what if he couldn’t have that? “I’m sorry, Calie, but maybe you’re the lucky one. It might be worse to have the freedom to choose, and know that you couldn’t have what you wanted.”
    “I would trade that for being a—a piece of meat in a heartbeat.”
    “We each have our duties, I guess,” Arthas said quietly, somberly. “You to marry whomever Father wants, and me to marry well for the kingdom.” He rose abruptly. “I’m sorry, Calie.”
    “Arthas—where are you going?”
    He didn’t answer, but practically raced through the palace to the stables and, without waiting for a groom, quickly saddled Invincible himself. Arthas knew it was only a temporary solution, but he was fourteen, and a temporary solution was still a solution.
    He bent low over Invincible’s back, the white mane whipping his face as the horse galloped, all sleekly coiled muscle and grace. Arthas’s face stretched in a grin. He was never happier than when he rode like this, the two of them merging into one glorious whole. He had waited, his patience sorely tested, for so long to be able to ride the animal he had watched coming into the world, but it had been worth it. They were the perfect team. Invincible wanted nothing from him, asked nothing of him, only seemed to wish to be allowed to escape the confines of the stables as Arthas longed to escape the confines of his royalty. They did so together.
    They were coming up on the jump Arthas loved now. To the east of Capital City and close to the Balnir farmstead was a small cluster of hills. Invincible surged, the earth devoured by his pounding hooves, pulling himself upward toward the precipice almost as fast as if they were on level ground. He wheeled and turned

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