As The Pig Turns

As The Pig Turns by MC Beaton Read Free Book Online

Book: As The Pig Turns by MC Beaton Read Free Book Online
Authors: MC Beaton
The names of the dead were now well publicized. Had Toni been falling in love with him? Why on earth had she interfered? A nasty little conscience was reminding her that Toni was not her daughter, and even if she were, she should stop interfering in the girl’s life.
    She gave herself a shake. Let the police handle the Florida end. She put on her coat and went out into the biting cold and made her way to police headquarters, where she informed the desk that she had important news for Inspector Wilkes.
    She was eventually ushered through into an interview room. ‘What is it now?’ asked Wilkes wearily.
    Agatha told him everything she had learned from Amy Richards, consulting a sheaf of notes from time to time.
    When she had finished, Wilkes surveyed her cynically. ‘I would have thought, from past experience, that you would have kept this information to yourself, particularly as the woman has engaged your services.’
    ‘I cannot quite believe the Florida story, or about the fortuitous meeting with Richards. I think, for some reason, she wants me out of the way.’
    ‘You being the great detective, who if left here would solve a case the police can’t?’
    ‘Something like that,’ mumbled Agatha.
    ‘Well, at least you are showing some sense at last. Wait there.’
    So Agatha waited, longing for a cigarette, tracing patterns on the scarred table in front of her with one fingernail.
    At last Wilkes came back with Detective Constable Alice Peterson. He switched on a tape recorder and took Agatha all through her story again. When she had finished, he asked, ‘Did Mrs Richards ask you not to tell the police any of this?’
    ‘Not exactly. I know she didn’t want me to tell you in case you thought she was some sort of tart. Please, for my sake, go easy on her. I need this contract.’
    ‘It’s not as if we owe you any favours,’ said Wilkes.
    ‘You do,’ said Agatha. ‘Think of all the times I’ve helped you out.’
    Wilkes sighed. ‘We’ll be as tactful as possible. We will say we’ve traced her recent movements courtesy of the FBI and take it from there.’
    And with that, Agatha had to be content.

Chapter Four

    Agatha arrived back at her cottage to find Bill Wong waiting for her. ‘I’ve been hanging around for ages,’ complained Bill, seated in the kitchen with one cat round his neck and another on his lap. Agatha was glad to find the heat was back on.
    After explaining that she had been at police headquarters and why, Agatha asked, ‘Why are you here? Any more questions?’
    ‘No, I haven’t heard about your latest, but I have heard about Paul Finlay.’
    ‘He was married until two years ago. His wife divorced him on grounds of cruelty. She got custody of their two children.’
    ‘Was it mental cruelty, or physical cruelty?’
    Agatha covered her face with her hands. ‘I’m in bad trouble.’
    ‘You’re in bad trouble? What about Toni? We’ve got to warn her.’
    ‘Yes, yes. It’s not only that. I’ve done a bad thing.’
    ‘It’s not funny. Young Simon Black who worked for me was keen on Toni. She’s too young to get married, Bill!’
    ‘And you didn’t want to lose a good detective,’ said Bill cynically.
    ‘I told Simon to wait three years and then I wouldn’t stand in his way. He joined the army and he’s now in Afghanistan.’
    ‘Agatha, are you sure your jealousy of Toni doesn’t make you think up these horrible plots?’
    ‘No, no. I care for the girl. There was something unstable about Simon.’
    ‘Then let’s hope anyway he doesn’t die a hero. Tell me the latest.’
    Agatha glanced at her watch. ‘I hope to visit Amy this evening. I’d better go. I want her to think I’m off to Florida and then I’ll go underground.’
    ‘She’ll see you around.’
    ‘I’ll disguise myself. But I must get a look at this husband of hers. What are we going to do about Toni?’
    ‘I’ll go right now and see her. I’ve got the evening

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