Ashen Winter (Ashfall)

Ashen Winter (Ashfall) by Mike Mullin Read Free Book Online

Book: Ashen Winter (Ashfall) by Mike Mullin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mike Mullin
Tags: english eBooks
    “So can we buy him a transfusion?” I asked.
    “Yes. You don’t happen to know this guy’s blood type, do you?” Dr. McCarthy asked. “I’m out of test kits.”
    “No idea.”
    Dr. McCarthy turned to Belinda. “Who’s next on the O-neg list?”
    She had already retrieved a single sheet of paper from the desk drawer. “Nylce Myers. But she gave 38 days ago.”
    “And she can’t weigh 110 pounds dripping wet. Who’s after her?”
    “Kyle Henthorn. He’s at twenty-nine days, though.”
    “That’s okay, he’s a big guy. Will you go get him?” Dr. McCarthy held out a key ring. Belinda took the keys to his Studebaker, the only working car in Warren, and left.
    Dr. McCarthy turned to me and Darla. “Help me move him onto the floor next to the exam table, would you?” As we lifted the bandit, I noticed his eyes were rolling around as if they were loose in his head. We put pillows under his feet to help treat him for shock and covered him with a blanket.
    “You want me to take this bandage off?” I asked.
    “No,” Dr. McCarthy said. “He might bleed more, which he can’t afford. Wait ’til after he’s had a transfusion.”
    About twenty minutes later, a big, florid-faced guy burst into the exam room with Belinda trailing behind. “What’s this Belinda tells me about donating again, Doc? My last one wasn’t even a month ago.” He stopped in the middle of the room and stared at our bandit. “Who is this guy? You know I’m happy to help out neighbors, but I’ve never seen him.”
    “This one pays, Kyle,” Dr. McCarthy replied. “A hundred kale seeds.”
    “Damn. Bleed me ’til I faint.” Henthorn hopped up onto the exam table and rolled up his sleeve.
    “Why do I feel like I just failed Medical Ethics 101?” Dr. McCarthy said.
    “Because you did.” Belinda was glaring at him.
    Dr. McCarthy shrugged and got to work. They set up a gravity-feed transfusion, straight from Henthorn’s arm into the bandit’s.
    The transfusion had been going about five minutes when the bandit woke and started thrashing. I was pressed into service to keep him from ripping out the IV needle. Keeping his arms pinned to the floor was easy—he was feeble.
    Dr. McCarthy cut off the transfusion after about ten minutes.
    “You sure you don’t need any more?” Kyle asked. “I feel fine.”
    “No, I don’t want to take any chances—I feel bad enough about this already,” Doc McCarthy replied. “I’ll bring by your kale seeds later. Belinda, would you get him something to eat and then drive him home? Keep him in the waiting room about fifteen minutes—I don’t want him to pass out.”
    Belinda and Kyle left the exam room. Dr. McCarthy started unwrapping the Ace bandage from the bandit’s side. As the doctor gently pulled the packing out of the wound, the bandit screamed and started bucking.
    “I wish I had some kind of sedative left,” Dr. McCarthy said.
    “I could put pressure on his jugular, try to knock him out,” I offered.
    “No, no. He’s already suffering from anemic hypoxia, that’d only make it worse. Just hold him.”
    Dr. McCarthy cleaned and repacked the wound on the bandit’s belly. He passed out again while the doctor stitched him up. Then I had to roll him over so Doc could work on the entrance wound at his back.
    “How long will he be out?” I asked when Dr. McCarthy finished.
    “Can’t tell for sure. Could be an hour, could be he never wakes up. But he’ll probably sleep for three or four days and heal okay.”
    “I want to go out to my uncle’s farm,” I said. “Can you keep him here until Darla and I get back?”
    “You mean, restrain him?” Dr. McCarthy said. “No, I won’t do that. You could talk to the sheriff about it, though.”
    “I guess we’ll stay here until he wakes up then?” I looked at Darla.
    She nodded. “Is there someplace to sleep around here?”
    “We have a cot in the other exam room—one of you can use the exam table.” Dr.

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