[Atlantean's Quest 03] Redemption

[Atlantean's Quest 03] Redemption by Jordan Summers Read Free Book Online

Book: [Atlantean's Quest 03] Redemption by Jordan Summers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jordan Summers
professor’s men who came dangerously near the transport. Just as she thought she’d not make it a moment longer, an energy surge burst through her, revitalizing her senses, fueling her aching muscles.
    Coridan…but how?
    He didn’t have the power to reach her from this distance, did he? She considered her case of Atlantean heat. Perhaps there was more to the young warrior than first met the eye. The thought both frightened and intrigued Ariel. Could a warrior with such power have existed under her nose the whole time without her sensing any shift in energy? If he did, what did that mean? Could they experience an energy bind without either of them losing any power? Was he stronger than she was? The thought gave her pause.
    Ariel didn’t like the possibility that Coridan could somehow be more powerful than herself. She was the seer, after all. She’d never encountered a male, much less a warrior with the ability to send energy or communicate from great distances. Nor one who could heal without effort. She had no doubt the action hadn’t strained him in the least.
    Despite her knowledge to the contrary, there was no denying where the energy her drained body had just received had come from. Coridan had sent it to her as he continued to shorten the distance between them. Her gaze flicked to the red-devil before her. He looked weary. With any luck, he’d drop dead.
    She sent a thought to his mind, dragging his muscles down, weakening his ability to concentrate. She’d convince him he was too tired to continue. Her gaze darted to Santo and Raoul, their expressions guarded. The professor yawned loudly, drawing her attention back to him.
    “I’ve had enough,” he said, scratching his ass. “We’ll pick this up tomorrow. For now, take her back to the hut.” The professor took a step toward her old hut, then stopped. His gaze locked on her would-be guards. “This time make sure I find you at your posts or there won’t be a next time.” The silence that followed the statement spoke volumes.
    The men’s expressions dropped, their coloring deepened as the professor’s meaning sank into their heads. They gave Rumsinger a curt nod and then moved to Ariel. Brown hands worked quickly to untie her. Ariel slumped the second they released her limbs. The men caught her, grasping her beneath the arms, dragging her to the lift basket.
    Raoul and Santo placed her into the basket, following close behind. They glanced back now and again to ensure the professor had gone into his hut. The basket lifted from the ground, rising into the air, putting distance between her and the red-devil for the first time today. The men who had been searching the jungle were now returning and began to settle around a fire that at this moment was being built in the center of the compound.
    Ariel turned her gaze away. It seemed like a lifetime since her people had eaten and danced around the center flame, yet it had only been days. The basket stopped with a jerk and her guards walked her to Eros’ hut. Raoul and Santo immediately gave her water and allowed her to wash up quickly.
    Raoul handed her some fresh fruit, then encouraged her without words to eat. Ariel did so, rapidly, wolfing down the mangoes and bananas as if they were her last meal. Perhaps the fruit would be, if the professor had his way. Afterwards she cleaned herself once more, removing the blood soaked bandages as she did so, then walked to the bed of furs. Ariel removed her skirt and laid down before the men asked her to do so, and then spread her limbs wide, giving them enough space to tie her to the bed.
    The men grabbed vines and had her bound within moments. She was tired and in no mood to entertain the two natives tonight, no matter how much kindness they’d shown her today. Not that she need worry. The professor had put the fear of the Goddess into them only moments ago. As soon as the men finished their task, they gave her one last look of longing before slipping out of the hut

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