Autumn Getaway (Seasons of Love)

Autumn Getaway (Seasons of Love) by Jennifer Gracen Read Free Book Online

Book: Autumn Getaway (Seasons of Love) by Jennifer Gracen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Gracen
blonde hair fell in soft waves to her shoulders, not pin-straight as it usually was. A slight blush made her cheeks glow.
    “Melanie,” Lydia said, her hands on her friend’s bare shoulders, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you look so happy, or so beautiful. I don’t know how you’re going to top this tomorrow. I’m so, so happy for you.”
    “Oh! Don’t you dare make me cry right now!” Melanie said, clearly touched by Lydia’s heartfelt words. They hugged again. “Thank you,” Melanie whispered in Lydia’s ear. Lydia kissed the side of Melanie’s hair.
    “Hey, hey!!” Ryan’s loud voice boomed joyously over the crowd. Melanie and Lydia parted to turn and see what the commotion was about. They watched Ryan practically sprint to the doorway and grab another man in a ferocious bear hug.
    Melanie smiled. “Alec’s finally here.”
    “The best friend?” Lydia asked.
    “Since they were in their mama’s wombs,” Melanie said. “They even went to college together. The only reason they’re separate now is because after NYU, Alec went back home, to go to law school in Chicago. Ryan stayed to work in Manhattan. And thank God he did, or I never would have met him.”
    Lydia watched the happy reunion unfold; she watched Ryan and Alec laugh and appraise each other, watched Ryan’s and Alec’s parents embrace each other, watched Ryan go to a short, petite blonde woman and her three small children and hug them also—she assumed they were Alec’s wife and kids.
    “Paige and Alec have been married for thirteen years,” Melanie said, as if she’d read Lydia’s mind. “Paige is nice enough, most of the time. At least, she’s always been nice to me , so I can’t complain. Alec's a real character, bit of a smartass, but the life of the party. He likes to keep people on their toes, but he's really a good guy once you get past the wisecracks. And their kids are truly adorable. Hope is ten, Cindy is seven, and Zack is four.”
    Lydia just nodded.
    “Is it okay if I go and say my hellos?” Melanie asked.
    “What are you, crazy? This is your party, you’re the hostess, go mingle. I’m a big girl, I’ll be fine.”
    “Don’t worry, you’ll sit with me, I know you don’t know anyone here.” Melanie smiled, gave Lydia’s arm a quick squeeze, and went to join her fiancée.
    Lydia watched them all for another minute, then headed to the bar and ordered a glass of Merlot. She waited for it patiently, and once she had it, moved to the windows towards the back of the room. She couldn’t help but smile as she stood under the strings of sparkling white lights. It definitely was a nice touch; it made the room feel more intimate and somehow magical. She peered out the window, but couldn’t make out anything in the darkness. It was completely black outside; she could see her reflection in the window as clearly as if she were looking at a mirror. She could even see that the clasp of her necklace had moved to the front of her neck, and reached up with her free hand to shift it to behind her hair where it belonged.
    “Fancy meeting you here,” said a deep male voice from behind her.
    Lydia looked up to the window in front of her, using it as a mirror, and easily made out the tall figure that reflected back at her. She smiled, surprised at the rush of delight she felt at seeing him. Pleased that he'd sought her out, she turned to him with a smile.
    Sam wore a button down shirt of deep royal blue, black slacks, and a multi-hued tie. He looked handsome, simply classic, not at all flashy. And he still hadn't shaved; the scruff was incredibly sexy to her. She liked what she saw, and had to seriously squelch an urge to reach up and rub his stubbled chin.
    All she said was, “Hi.”
    “Hello.” He was smiling back, and she could feel him discreetly appraising her. “Wow. You look beautiful. Really.”
    She could feel herself blush and hoped he couldn’t see it in the dim lighting, embarrassed by her reaction.

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