Avalyne Series 01: The Queen of Carleon

Avalyne Series 01: The Queen of Carleon by Linda Thackeray Read Free Book Online

Book: Avalyne Series 01: The Queen of Carleon by Linda Thackeray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Linda Thackeray
Tags: Fantasy
need for any extravagant pomp.
    The arrival of a new prince was something else entirely. It was the hope of new life and a future that promised stability for the next fifty years. That was cause enough for a celebration of a special magnificence.
    The inhabitants of Sandrine lined the streets watching the procession of guests, fascinated to see folk they had only heard about in legend, such as the mage Tamsyn and the High Queen of the Elves—the very beautiful Lylea who was mother to their own queen. The alliance made elves known to the people of Sandrine, but even the most jaded were dazzled as Lylea rode by in her robes of white. They gaped in wonder as she passed them, thinking that she could be one of the Celestials walking in their midst.
    Once the ann ouncement was made the festivities truly began and continued into the night. The setting of the sun only brought more revels to the already exciting day as fireworks were launched into the night sky and magic tricks were performed by skilled, if powerless magicians. Gasps of excitement swept through the crowds as each explosion of colour and light superseded the last spectacle. Fireworks of giant wyverns trailed sparkles of glittering embers as they flew overhead in the night air, followed by horses thundering across the sky and butterflies streaking past the audience like clusters of falling stars.
    The merriment was no less spectacular within the palace of the King. Guests were received with much warmth while as friends were reunited, regaling each other with tales of their homeland and their adventures since parting company. Keira related to Dare all the gossip in the Green while Celene, once a member of his Circle during the war, told Aeron and Arianne how things faired Gislaine, the city she and Ronen now ruled in the Southern Provinces. Meanwhile Kyou explained to Tully the tremendous undertaking that was the fortifying of Sandrine’s defences and how fared his family who had returned to Iridia and awaiting his return upon its completion.
    Neither Tamsyn nor Lylea made any mention of the Enemy for the moment.
    It always amused Celene just how nervous the king seemed to get whenever she, Keira and Arianne wandered off to talk privately away from the hearing of their men.
    She had no idea what secrets Dare thought she might impart upon Arianne or Keira for that matter but Celene took great delight in making the king of the realm a little anxious whenever she made the suggestion. It was truly ludicrous when one considered how highly she held Dare in regard, and obviously she would never dream of embarrassing him before his queen. Well not much anyway. Besides, the only stories she had of him were of their adventures when they crossed Avalyne to create the alliance needed to launch his campaign against Balfure.
    In a houseful of sons, Celene was the only daughter to Yalen, Angarad’s King. Her mother Celene, for whom she was named, died in childbirth leaving her to be raised by her father. Her father saw no reason to treat her any differently than a boy. While certain aspects of her upbringing were handled by her nurse Ilsa, for most part Celene was educated and raised side by side with her brothers.
    Like all women of the Angarad, Celene was required to wield a sword. Angarad could not be expected to defend its borders against Balfure if all of her people were unschooled in the art of war. It was a matter of pride that the Angarad believed themselves to be greatest sword masters, riders and combatants among the race of men. This included the females of their population. Despite their dedication to combat, the Angarad were not mindless warmongers thirsty for blood. Learning to wield a weapon was paramount, but the mind was an instrument too and it had to be honed as sharply as the blade.
    Warriors of Angarad were masters of war in all its forms, both on the battlefield and off. Their military education was not simply about physical combat, but also learning that

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