Awakened By A Kiss (Once Upon A Romance)

Awakened By A Kiss (Once Upon A Romance) by Laurie LeClair Read Free Book Online

Book: Awakened By A Kiss (Once Upon A Romance) by Laurie LeClair Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laurie LeClair
nails, blew on them, and rubbed them on his scarf. “He and I are besties.”
    Evelyn cringed. Rico stretched the truth. He and Griff’s wife were besties.
    “Then the owner. Charlotte King-Royale.”
    “Another one of my besties.” Rico fluffed his hair. “Who do you think begged me to come work for her?”
    Candace’s face turned a bright shade of red.
    “Ah…Rico,” Dex stammered. “I’m sure we can settle this.”
    “You’re taking his side?” Candace’s tears could almost be mistaken as real.
    “No, not at all.” The poor guy was so out of his league. “I just want to keep things calm.”
    “You’re saying I’m not calm?” She sniffed loudly.
    “Candy, you know I’d never say such a thing. I’m just…let’s be reasonable here.”
    “How dare you call me unreasonable? How could you? I want to have a gorgeous wedding. The wedding. Not just for me. But my mother and father, too. I’m their little girl. I’m their only child. I don’t want to ruin this for them.”
    “Is she serious?” Rico laughed so hard he cackled.
    Evelyn giggled. She bit her lip. But Rico wouldn’t stop. A chuckle escaped her clamped mouth. She turned away, swatting Rico on the arm.
    He doubled over, clutching his middle.
    “Shhh!” She scolded, but the laughter shot out of her. “Quit, will you?”
    His breath caught so only a honking sound came out now. Tears rolled down his cheeks.
    Evelyn bent over, meeting him eye to eye. That was it; she lost it. Reaching out, she held onto Rico and he gripped her back.
    “I’m going to…pee my pants,” Rico said between laughs.
    “What a pisser,” she choked out.
    That was it; he collapsed to the floor, rolling around as he continued to howl with laughter.

Chapter 6
    Shane grabbed a nearby counter, trying to hold back. Dex turned to him, with his back to Candace.
    “Come on, man,” Dex said, but he couldn’t keep it in. He chuckled and then he burst out.
    “You, too?” Candace sputtered. She whacked him on the arm with her five hundred dollar purse. “And you, Shane, you should know better.”
    With that, she stormed out of the boutique.
    “Good riddance,” Rico finally managed to say when he got his breath back and got to his knees, making it to the counter. He passed tissues to Evelyn. “Girl, she’s so fake. There’s not a real thing about her.”
    Getting himself under control, Shane coughed a few times. “Dex, sorry about that. Maybe you should go after her. I’ll take over here.”
    “You think that’s a good idea?” Dex wiped his eyes, but a sliver of panic crossed his face.
    “No. But there’s one thing I know about a woman.”
    “Do tell, Mr. Weston,” Evelyn chimed in, getting a grip on herself once again.
    He shot her a sour look. She smiled back sweetly. He caught his breath, and then shook his head to clear out that sexy image. Turning back to his cousin, he said, “No matter what, you’re in the dog house. But it’s worse if you don’t apologize first thing. You let it go, it festers, and that means it only goes downhill from there. It could be days or weeks that you’re walking around on eggshells.” He’d seen it all unfold with his parents.
    “Damn, he’s good. Sounds like you have lots of experience, big fella.” Rico stood, and then came around the counter and to Dex. “Listen, I’ll stay out of your wedding. God knows I can’t stand that woman you’re marrying.” He shivered in revulsion. “But that’s your prob, not mine.” He brushed a hand over Dex’s lab coat. “Ah, advice—don’t wear this thing in public. Not a good look. Now, go crawl to her for forgiveness.”
    Dex’s perplexed look cut through Shane. “Buddy, it’s all part of the courtship dance. Believe me.”
    Shaking his head, Dex took a few steps toward the exit and then turned back. “Really?”
    “Afraid so,” Evelyn said.
    He groaned and headed off.
    “Well, if you ask me, and I know you didn’t, but that never

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