minutes of soaking for full benefits. Always end with cold.
Foot Variation 1:
4 Tbsp Epsom Salts, 2 Tbsp Baking Soda, 1 pint 3% Hydrogen Peroxide or
0.75 ounces of 35% Hydrogen Peroxide
Foot Variation 2:
4 Tbsp Epsom Salts, 1 Tbsp Calcium Hydroxide Powder (Must be diluted
Foot Variation 3:
4 Tbsp Epsom Salts, 1 Cup Apple Cider Vinegar
Bonus: Alkalizing Showers
A very simple way to alkalize the whole body! Do this on days you are in a
rush and don’t have time for a full AlkaBath.
Get yourself a spray bottle and get some 3% food grade Hydrogen Peroxide
(or 1.5 oz of 35% Hydrogen Peroxide diluted with 1 pint of distilled water)
and put this into a spray bottle, Before you take a bath and or shower, mist
this 3% Hydrogen Peroxide over your body (make sure not to get it into
your eyes!!!), and leave it on for approx. 3 min before taking your bath or
Then after bathing, spray another light mist on your body and let air dry, do
not get in your eyes and use a white towel to finish drying off, because it
may bleach out a color towel!
This will help Alkalize all of the surface of your skin. Hydrogen Peroxide
carries Extra Oxygen (H2O2 = H2O + O). Oxygen is a Strong Oxidizer. A
Strong Oxidizer neutralizes much Acidity.
These wonderful cleansing formulas are provided by Moreless at
www.curezone.com in the Moreless pH forum. Go here for more details.
Chapter 6
How Stress Affects
Bacterial Vaginosis
In western industrialized societies we are conditioned to work very hard.
We are always moving, with no time for a healthy breakfast, pressure at
work, and demands at home that leave you overwhelmed at times. Well
I’m here to tell you that chronic stress leads to bacterial imbalance.
It’s important to learn how to take care of yourself instead of everyone
else. Learn to say “No.” This doesn’t mean being selfish. You just need to
understand that you can’t do everything, you need time for yourself. Plus,
if you’re sick, you can’t take care of your loved ones.
Follow your intuition; learn to pay attention to what throws you out of
balance. If you’re feeling stressed, take some time to yourself to relax. This
applies equally to all areas of your life including physical, emotional,
mental, and spiritual. Start by taking an inventory of what’s in balance and
what’s out of balance in your life. This can be enough to start the healing
There are several things you can do to reduce the level of stress in your
body. These are covered in the stress book included with this package.
Chapter 7
How Sleep Affects our
Bacterial Vaginosis
The Importance of Sleep
Approximately 60 million Americans suffer each year from some form of
sleep deprivation. While research continues, sleep still remains one of the
body’s most mysterious processes. We do know that sleep is absolutely
necessary for survival. The lack of sleep for millions of people worldwide is
a major medical concern. Even occasional sleeping problems can make
daily life feel more stressful and lead to bacterial imbalance. Ideally, you
should go to bed at 10:00 PM and arise at 6:00 AM. This is ideal. Getting
eight hours of sleep is best. The body releases certain healing hormones
between 11:00 PM and 2:00 AM. Being in a deep sleep during this time
promotes healing in the body.
Although you have probably tried many of them, one of the following tips
might just be the one that will help you get a healthier, more natural night’s
• Imaging – think of a hammock – you’re up off the ground, wrapped in
a cocoon of comfort, swaying gently in the open air. The sun is warm
on your face and there’s a breeze blowing you back and forth. This
visualization helps you “see” what sleep’s reward will be, getting you
more in the mood to sleep. Visualization has proved helpful in
developing the