Bad Nerd Falling

Bad Nerd Falling by D.R. Grady Read Free Book Online

Book: Bad Nerd Falling by D.R. Grady Read Free Book Online
Authors: D.R. Grady
Tags: science, Family, Nerd, Microbiology, Princess, soldier, Prince
long, there wasn’t a surface in
the lab that wasn’t covered with stuff. Tia flitted from bench to
bench and helped sort the items.
    “ I have never used half of
this stuff.” Maria held up an item she had never seen
    “ I know what most of this
equipment does, but it won’t much help us.” Tia picked up the phone
and quickly started talking. From Tia’s end of the conversation she
gathered their boss spoke with Graham. “No, I think you should send
some of your molecular research scientists over here. We’ve got
equipment we aren’t going to use. They should come and see this
stuff. If they can use it, it’s theirs.
    “ What?” Tia tilted her
head. “Oh absolutely, if they have stuff they don’t use and think
we can, tell them to bring it by all means.”
    She glanced at the stuff still piled
on the benches. “Tell them to bring a truck.”
    Then lost track of any other pertinent
thoughts because Vlad chose that moment to return. One of the
maintenance men from the palace followed him, carrying a hefty
toolbox. Vlad’s arms were full of what looked like various sized
    Hurrying forward she caught the ones
that slipped, and then followed him to the table. There, the two
men, soon joined by Jorge, held a conference as to which size wheel
would be most suited to the table. Losing interest, she drifted
back to Tia and Maria. They were busy sorting through the contents
of the main lab bench.
    “ I suggest we move these
into the small storage closet.” Tia gestured toward a nearby pile.
Maria wheeled over a cart they stacked haphazardly and set
    After they reached the closet, they
sorted through the items inside and selected additional items to
give away. “We won’t use this, or this, or this…” As she spoke Tia
loaded up the now empty cart until it groaned. She and Maria helped
and soon they had browsed everything that came out of the
    By the time the men added wheels to
the table, and the maintenance man shook Vlad’s hand and exited,
the first wave of hospital research staff surged into the
    “ We’re not going to get
anything done today, are we?” She stepped out of their
    “ No.” Maria remained in
step with her, edging closer and closer to the wall as more lab
coats shopped.
    It didn’t take long before there were
more white coats in the lab than fire officials would permit. Soon
she and Jorge and Maria were packed into the larger storage area.
Vlad joined them.
    “ How did it get so crowded
in here?” he asked.
    She leaned against a shelving unit as
she explained.
    “ He must have called
everyone in the entire principality.” Maria crossed her arms,
expression disgruntled.
    Jorge patted her consolingly. “Don’t
worry, they won’t stay long.” Both she and Maria shot glares at
him. “I hope we don’t miss lunch.” He didn’t sound
    Vlad, leaning against the shelves
lining the wall containing the secret panel, was amused by their
conversation. And busy plotting how to best show them the door
without giving himself away.
    “ We need to relax.
Scientists don’t get much time to interact with each other. Give
Tia the time she needs.” Helena fidgeted a bit, like she was having
trouble believing herself.
    His eyes strayed to the gap between
the metal shelving. The secret panel was accessible through that
scant space. Pretending to narrow his eyes, he stared at the
    “ Why doesn’t the shelving
span the entire length of this wall?”
    He hoped his question would take their
minds off the boredom.
    “ I’ve always wondered why
that was there.” Helena stepped closer to him and stared at the
gap. “It doesn’t make sense.”
    His mom stood on his other side. “I
can fit in there.” She wiggled between the two shelves and showed
that she did, indeed, fit quite nicely.
    “ Is there another shelf
behind this one?” Vlad asked.
    All three stared at him, mouths agape
for a moment before they turned excitedly to each

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