Barefoot and Lost

Barefoot and Lost by Brian Francis Cox Read Free Book Online

Book: Barefoot and Lost by Brian Francis Cox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brian Francis Cox
         There are twenty kids, counting them I can see there are thirteen boys and seven girls, I didn’t know there were so many young ones at Saint Stephens. They are making a lot of noise but as fat and thin get on the bus they become silent without being told to. With a crunch of the gears and a lurch we make our way through the double gates onto the road.  
         In the coach, unlike when I arrived by a taxi, I can see over the hedges into the green meadows either side of the road. I have only seen countryside like this from the train but this is different it’ s like walking down a street only we are going faster. I can see children playing in their front gardens, a postman on a bicycle, ours always walked. Chickens on the side of the road flying as we go by, I didn’t know chickens could fly. We have just passed one of those funny houses with the roof that goes around ,  Pop told me about them when we went to London to see Michael in hospital, I can’t believe that was just over a week ago . On trees in an orchard I can see what I think are apples, I have not seen apples growing before. I would like to pick one. I wonder if those people from London were allowed to eat the hops whilst they were picking them, can you eat hops, I don’t know.
         Fat lady is coming up the aisle; her hips on both sides are rubbing against the seats as she struggles towards me. Out of breath she sags down on the back seat with her legs stretched out down the aisle half turning her head and body towards me. ‘ Phillip by the way my name is Marjorie ; your duties today will be very limited as we do not really need assistance. I cannot think for the life of me why you have been sent, Mam was not very explicit. Is it a treat, if so pray tell me what you have done to deserve it?’
         ‘I don’t think it is a treat, Mam said it was but I think it is just to get me out of the way in case I talk to the police.’
         ‘Oh yes, and why would you want to do that?’ I have a feeling Fat lady knows more than she is letting on and is pumping me. I’m not going to talk to her about Flynn and Lion; I want to speak with Jack, Brian, and Toby about it before I say anything to anybody else.
         ‘Oh nothing just something, about Lionel , that is all.’
         ‘Who is Lionel ?’ She must know who Lionel is, she is definitely pumping me.
         ‘The boy, that ran away last night. I don’t know why Mam thinks I would talk to the police, what would I have to say? I don’t know anything about Lionel I only came to Saint Stephens yesterday so I don’t really know him.’
         ‘Why do you think he ran away?’
         ‘I told you I don’t really know him, perhaps he got fed up or doesn’t like it at Saint Stephens, I don’t know why; I can’t understand why he would go I’ve only been here one day but I think it is really nice, and all the staff are very nice too.’ I don’t l ike telling lies Gran said it i s okay to tell a white lie so as not to hurt some ones feelings , I think that was a white lie , I hope it stops her asking me anymore questions.
         ‘Well that’ s settled then, glad you like St Stephens, you’re right everyone is very nice and dedicated to giving poor unfortunate children like yourself the best possible care. We endeavour to make it as close to a family home as we possibly can, treating each child as an individual, giving them the love and affection they deserve; goodness me, we have been talking so much the time has flown, we are at our destination already. When we leave the coach we will form up in a crocodile two by two. I will lead; Anne will bring up the rear and keep the stragglers from getting lost. Your job will be to walk alongside and prevent them straying into the road, do you think you can do that?’
         ‘Yes, I think so, where are we going?’
         ‘Where I decide, I expect to some shops,

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