Bases Loaded

Bases Loaded by Lolah Lace Read Free Book Online

Book: Bases Loaded by Lolah Lace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lolah Lace
my memory.
    “You’re really here?” She barked directly at me. 
    “Where else would I be?” I could bark too.
    “At home begging your wife’s forgiveness.” Mike stood and I wasn’t sure why? Melissa ignored his presence just like any other time.
    “Yeah right.” That will never happen.
    “Melissa you should go.” Mike had words for his wife. Shit! Even cowards can use their tongues, first time for everything.
    Melissa ignored Mike even more than before. All her unnecessary attention was aimed at moi . “Haven’t you hurt her enough? Mason you are heartless. You are cold.”
    “How would you know what I am?”
    “Tess tells me everything. I know it all, everything about you and your perversions.”
    What perversions? “That’s great. I’m glad she has someone to talk to. Maybe you should keep an eye on her. She needs a friend right now.”
    “You’re not funny.”
    “I wasn’t trying to be.”
    “I’m not scared of you. She told me you threatened her life.” Melissa was really up in arms about literal affairs that were none of her concern.
    “Melissa, I really think you should leave and take your husband with you.”
    “You’re kicking me out? ”
    “No, when I kick you, you will feel it.”
    “So now you’re threatening me?”
    I looked dead int o my shell shocked brother’s eyes. “Melissa we need to go.” Mike clumsily announced. Mike was an expert when it came to knowing my limitations. I had served him some brutal beatings in our youth. He knew one punch from me could knock a man off his feet. So I’m sure he didn’t want me to even breathe on his wife.
    “Fuck you Mason! You think you’re king of everything!”
    This beast was yelling at me at my place of business. Yeah sure I think I’m the king of everything but that’s not the point. “Mike seriously put a muzzle on your pitbull.” I rested my hands on my waist. Mike moved from behind the desk. A normal guy would guard his wife, act as her protector and bodyguard but Mike was standing in the middle of us just to take the blow if I decided to sock her in her mouth. I would never hit a woman. Mike is a real dumbass.
    I have too many moves in my arsenal to ever have to hit a woman.
    “Fuck you, Mason! I’m not afraid of you!” Said the beast.
    So much misplaced anger. Why? Cause I wouldn’t fuck you so many years ago. “Get out!” I half-heartedly raised my voice.
    “Come on Melissa, let’s go.” Mike reached out and grabbed Melissa’s forearm. She jerked away.
    “Fuck your brother! He’s a fucking bully. I’m not Tess. You can’t bully me.”
    “No you’re not Tess. I would never do this to Tess.” I reached over Mike’s shoulder and palmed Melissa’s entire face like I was palming a basketball. I shoved her backwards; more like jerked her face with the power of my wrist.
    “Get the fuck out!” I pretended to be in an uproar. Mike had backed his body into Melissa. She was pushing forward and he was pushing back. “Get her out of here!” I yelled into Mike’s face. He spun around to face his wife. Mike start ed dragging his overzealous ball and chain toward the front door.
    “ Mason! Fuck you! Mason! Fuck you!” Melissa was yelling like a total and complete lunatic. I don’t know what her deal is. Mike was doing a fairly good job subduing her big mouth.
    This was beyond any stunts Melissa’s has ev er pulled in the past. This time she outdid herself. She was thrashing around in Mike’s arms. I was just idle and crossed my arms under my chest. There was a glimmer of pride that embraced me when Mike opened the door with one hand and pushed his wife through the door with the other. I tuned out all the obsessive yelling and screaming Melissa was doing.
    This bullshit is going to make me prematurely go gray. Growing old with Kari, now there’s a thought that put on smile on my face.
    I had a lunch date to see Mason. It had been a few days since Mason was caught with

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