Battle Earth IV

Battle Earth IV by Nick S. Thomas Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Battle Earth IV by Nick S. Thomas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nick S. Thomas
Tags: Science-Fiction
To rebuild it is the ultimate act of defiance to the enemy.”
    “I thought that was going to the Moon and kicking their asses?”
    “All in good time.”
    A few minutes later, their craft put down on a landing zone with the wing of fighters that were attached as a protection detail. As they stepped out onto the tarmac, they were greeted by a host of officers and politicians in all manner of uniforms and insignia. The French President and Prime Minister were at the centre of the party which Schulz and Dupont headed to.
    “Major Taylor.”
    Mitch turned at the stern manner in which is name was called. General White stood to his flank with several other US officers. A broad smile stretched across his face as he looked down at Taylor’s scruffy uniform that had only received the quickest of brush downs.
    “Your presentation seems to have gone rather downhill since coming this side of the pond,” he jested.
    Taylor reached out and shook White’s hand.
    “Damn good to see you again, Sir.”
    “I have to say you were sorely missed during the last few months.”
    “You seemed to manage just fine, Sir.”
    “Please follow this way!” called Schulz.
    The General led the French leaders towards the monstrous enemy structures which Taylor and Chandra were all too familiar with.
    “So this is where you killed the bastard?” asked White.
    “Not alone, Sir. The Company under the command of Major Chandra here excelled themselves.”
    White shook her hand and nodded in gratitude.
    “I believe we have met in previous years.”
    “Yes, Sir.”
    “Taylor under your command? Times have changed!”
    They were led to the site where they had previously seen humans incubated for as far as the eye could see. As they stepped from the corridor out into the vast hall, they gasped at the sight of the equipment once again. The humans, or what appeared to be humans, had long gone, but the chambers remained. Schulz stopped the column and addressed them before the alien technology.
    “From the reports of Major Chandra and her Company, we know that these chambers were occupied up until the enemy retreat. Our best experts so far believe that the humans within them were being used either as some power or food source, or potentially for experimental purposes. We certainly know that they were keen to establish creative ways to end our race.”
    Chandra looked down at the bulkheads and walls that still bore the scorch marks from their battle. It still didn’t feel real that they had won.
    “How did we ever do it?” she asked Taylor.
    “Win. In the opening months of the war, we faced extinction. How did we ever turn it around?”
    “We aren’t the only soldiers to have turned the tide in great battles and wars.”
    “If it had been you that had landed here on foreign soil and been forced out with such losses, would you let it go? Would you return to your home world and forget?”
    Taylor contemplated the question for a moment before realizing that he only had one answer.
    “I’d want payback.”
    “Even as the aggressor?”
    “Sure. Only a coward would turn tail and run.”
    She nodded in agreement. “Then this war isn’t over. Maybe it can never be over.”
    Schulz’s voice echoed around the hall as he led on the party through the enemy facility. Taylor and Chandra remained silent as they both pondered her realization. Then Mitch looked up and his eyes grew wider and mouth drier as he recognized where they were heading.
    “This is where we took down Karadag.”
    “You know I have been dying to see this spot,” muttered White. “Where mere humans killed a titan.”
    The General patted Mitch on the back.
    “He was a formidable opponent. I never thought I’d see the day when a war could be decided in single combat.”
    “It wasn’t, Sir. Sergeant Parker was by my side. No one soldier could have beaten that bastard. I can still barely believe that we managed it.”
    “You did your country and the world the greatest

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