Bear Naked Truth (Southern Shifters Book 7)

Bear Naked Truth (Southern Shifters Book 7) by Eliza Gayle Read Free Book Online

Book: Bear Naked Truth (Southern Shifters Book 7) by Eliza Gayle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eliza Gayle
fun as I thought it would be."
    "Sorry about that. I had no idea this was going to turn into a clusterfuck."
    Niki shrugged. "Not a big deal. I am curious about the girl though. Where is she?"
    Calder tipped his head up the stairs. "Bhric's back."
    She grinned. "And you left them alone? How evolved of you."
    He chuffed, a puffing sound between a growl and a roar. "Only at her adamant request. Although if they don't hurry the hell up I'm not going to be responsible for the bear. He's antsy."
    "Just the bear huh? Seems like a lot more than just your animal is aggravated tonight. You want to talk about it?"
    She nodded, a slight smile pulling at the corners of her mouth. "I didn't think so. How about a beer? I can grab us both one."
    Before he could answer the door of the office opened and Jessa's strained voice hit him in the plexus. "Is that kind of protection really necessary? I've got a shotgun and really excellent aim."
    Bhric's laugh rumbled down the stairs and scraped along Calder's spine. "I'm sure you do, Miss Baker. But until we know what the Blackwood pack is going to do, I intend to take precautions."

    T he two of them descended the stairs and he scanned Jessa from head to toe.
    "I didn't hurt her," Bhric said.
    He shrugged, trying to play off some of the nerves stringing him tight. "Didn't think you would."
    The Alpha shook his head. "You've got trust issues."
    "Just me?"
    "Touché, brother, Touché."
    Calder reached for Jessa and she slid her hand into his. Once he pulled her close again some of the edginess waned. But only a little.
    "So who's going to fill me in?" He looked at Bhric when he asked the question.
    "She's got a pretty intense case with the Blackwoods. She signed a contract and couldn't fulfill it. Now I can only imagine what their real intention was once they finished with her, but I can't imagine it's good. Telling humans about shifters is some pretty serious bullshit. Depending on how they want to play it, it could mean war."
    Fuck. He didn't like the sound of that. "What was the contract?"
    Bhric's eyes averted down to Jessa and he felt her squirm at his side. "I'm going to let her decide when to share that. Suffice it to say, I'm going to have to have a chat with Kane. The council might get involved."
    "Who's Kane?" Jessa asked.
    "Security enforcer for our ruling councils. I often consult with him about situations that arise like this. He's more open minded than most of the actual council members."
    "Do you often have issues arise like this?"
    "From time to time. The treaties amongst the clans are often tenuous. It doesn't take much to throw things off balance.
    Niki snorted. "That's an understatement. Nobody around here likes to play nice or share anything."
    Bhric returned his gaze to Calder. "I need you to arrange 24/7 security for her. We can't take any chances that the Blackwoods show up out of the blue and catch us off guard."
    "I'll take care of it."
    The command from Bhric vibrated the room. So much alpha control went into that one word it took them all by surprise. Niki took a step back and even Jessa, a human, tightened her grip on his hand.
    Despite that, Calder didn't back down. His mate. His responsibility. As soon as he got a chance, he and Bhric were going to chat about this.
    "I'm taking care of it personally. She knows me. I've already been in her house so my scent is laid. Adding more will only raise suspicions."
    "She's off limits," Bhric warned. "Technically she is Blackwood property and until we know more, it's hands off."
    The bear rose, sharp and swift. Fur began to coat his arms at Bhric's latest demand. No fucking way. Neither his bear nor the man had any intention of standing for someone telling him he couldn't take care of his mate.
    "Calder, stop!" Niki yelled.
    He blinked, turning his head to his friend. The alarm in her eyes caught his bear's attention. So much so that he began to back down. His bear had a protective streak for Niki and her daughter

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