Bear To The Bone (Bear Claw Security 1)
up anytime.”
    Cage let out a breath. “Thanks.”
    “And then get your ass back here. We miss you.”
    “You miss the money I bring in.”
    Bronson laughed nervously. “Yeah, that, too. You’re good, man.”
    “Not as good as Limes,” Cage said. “It’s the hacking that’s important.”
    “There’s not much he can’t do with a computer, sure. But you got that brain…”
    “And you got the muscle,” Cage joked. “I know.”
    Bronson’s deep voice got serious. “You be careful out there, man. You hear me?”
    “I got you,” Cage said. “You, too. Tell Limes I said hey.”
    Bronson laughed. “He doesn’t need that mushy shit. But yeah. Let us know if you need backup.”
    Cage grinned. “Will do.”
    Then he hung up and leaned on the wall, enjoying the breeze. It was nice to remind himself he wasn’t alone anymore. And he didn’t just have Carrie either. He had friends, people who cared. As much as he and the guys joked, he knew they’d spill blood for each other.
    They’d have his back in an instant.
    But he really wanted to take care of this himself.
    It was his mate after all.
    He put his phone in his pocket and walked back to his room to get ready, steeling himself for seeing Carrie again.
    He could hardly wait.

    C arrie was walking back from Willow’s, energized from spending time with the kids, when she heard the sound of a motorcycle engine.
    It was a sound that generally made her cringe, sending chills up her spine, and was often followed by a catcall or something rude. She’d just turned onto the main road that led back to her place, and she was alone, with only the trees and a few lonely buildings looking over her.
    She walked a little quicker, away from the direction of the motorcycle engine. She didn’t want to look back.
    Instead, she focused on her conversation with Willow about Cage. Willow was just glad he was back and encouraged Carrie to be happy as well. Willow knew how much he’d always meant to her.
    But Willow didn’t know all of it, and Carrie hadn’t had the heart to tell her Cage was a part of the Aces.
    She’d probably find out on her own soon enough.
    The whirring of the engine caught up to Carrie quickly, and she sighed and whirled around to face whatever was coming.
    Sure enough, on a glossy red Harley, was the man she’d come to hate more than any other in recent weeks.
    Harvey Willard, an officer in the Aces who was extra persistent about wanting to make her his old lady. She shifted her basket to her other hand and folded her arms as she turned to look at him.
    He had dark hair, swarthy skin, and glittering black eyes. He was built but in a rough, burly way. Nothing like Cage’s sculpted, impressive muscle on his tall, lean frame.
    “What do you want?” she asked, pausing only a second before continuing to walk again.
    “Wait up, babe,” he said, parking the bike and walking after her. His arms crept around her waist from behind, and she struggled, breaking free of his gross grip before he could lock it around her.
    She whirled on him.
    “Stop it! I’m not interested. Not in you or anyone else in the Aces. I’m not going to be anyone’s old lady.”
    Harvey frowned but seemed undeterred. He reached for her again. “You could be. You might like it,” he hissed in her ear.
    “That’s it,” she said, frustrated. She took a step forward, making him lean over her, and then stomped her foot down hard on his instep, making him howl in pain as she quickly began striding away from him. She heard his footsteps pounding behind her and broke into a run. She hadn’t gone far when she felt his rough hand close around her wrist.
    Dammit .
    He yanked her back against him, and she elbowed him in the waist, but she was no match for his strength as his hand caught her face and roughly stroked it. She tried to bite his finger, but she was pinned back against his chest and couldn’t reach very well.
    She saw a couple cars go by, the occupants inside sympathetic

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