bedeviled & beyond 07 - beset & bewildered
    He shoved past my hand and stood nose to nose with Dialle. Sparks began to fly around the two men and the room heated a dozen degrees in the beat of a heart.
    Sweat popping out on my forehead, I stepped into their sphere, feeling the sparks they were throwing off like tiny bites against my skin. “Stop it, Slayer!”
    He ignored me. His hand flashed upward and it was suddenly holding his sword. The razor sharp blade was pressed against the king’s muscular throat. “You fling insults carelessly, King Dialle. It would do you good to remember I’m not a member of your court.”
    Astra placed a hand on Slayer’s arm. “Which won’t save you from me or Gerch if you harm Dialle. Step back, Slayer. Now!”
    He ignored Astra as handily as he ignored me.
    The air around Dialle shifted and suddenly he was holding a sword too. The point of which was embedded in the well-rounded spot between Slayer’s legs. Slayer seemed unmoved by the placement of Dialle’s blade. I gave him credit for sheer nerve. “Let’s see how much of a Player you are without your balls, halfling,” Dialle growled.
    I expelled air, glancing at Astra. She went hands on hips. “You deal with this or I will, Darma.”
    Knowing what I would have to do, I nodded. Pressing myself against Slayer’s back, I placed my lips at his ear. “You’ve been a very bad partner,” I told him huskily. He jerked in surprise, his focus suddenly divided.
    “What are you playing at, Darma?”
    I shrugged, my hands skimming over his lean hips and sliding up the rock-hard geography of his abs. Despite my best intentions, my body reacted to the hard heat of him, pleasure blossoming between my thighs. “Time to go home.” I glanced past Slayer’s shoulder to Dialle. “Your Majesty.” Then I closed my eyes and pulled my power forward, sending us into a space shift that yanked the breath from my lungs. As we moved motionlessly through the silent shifting of space, I could barely breathe with the sexual fire pulsing through my belly. My traitorous body couldn’t help reacting to the sensual blitzkrieg of having Slayer’s body against mine.
    We emerged from the space shift on the roof, next to Slayer’s sexy air vehicle. As soon as his feet hit the black glass tiles of the roof, Slayer swung around, his gaze spiraling with rage. “How dare you interfere?”
    I stepped back, filling my lungs with much needed air. It was a little easier to breathe without Slayer’s sexy round buttocks pressing into me... minus his delicious scent spiraling through my senses...but my body still tightened with remembered need. “You’ll thank me for it once you cool down. If you’d attacked Dialle you’d be either dead or in the dungeon by now.”
    The sword in his hand disappeared and Slayer stalked toward me, his long, muscular legs cutting the space between us in three strides. He reached for me and I blinked, instinctively recognizing the predator he kept barely leashed. I only just stopped myself from stepping back and, with a monumental effort, lifted my chin and squared my shoulders. “Now you’re going to beat on me ? What kind of man hits a woman outside of battle, Slayer?”
    His golden gaze sharpened, eyes narrowing. The hand he raised toward me framed my chin, lifting it as he stepped much too close for my comfort. “What makes you think I was going to hit you?” He lowered his lips to within a breath of mine and I stilled like a pale-faced Venutian deer in the hunter’s sights. His lips curved upward. “Not so tough now, are you, Princess?”
    I swallowed hard, my hand coming up to wrap around his wrist. “Step back, Slayer.”
    His gaze slid liquid heat over my face, dropping to the vee of my form-fitting shirt beneath the collarless leather jacket. I’d donned the jacket because the air outside was cool, but coolness was a distant memory for me in that moment. The small space we both occupied was hotter than a Moon landing in August.

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