Bedford Street Brigade 01 - Where the Lady Belongs

Bedford Street Brigade 01 - Where the Lady Belongs by Laura Landon Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Bedford Street Brigade 01 - Where the Lady Belongs by Laura Landon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Landon
before. It was the Northern Sun. Or Moon. Or—”
    “ Star ,” Mack finished for her. Was it the Northern Star ?”
    “Yes, that’s what it was. Does that help?”
    Mack clasped his hands on her upper arms and kissed her hard. “Yes, Cora. It helps. It helps a great deal.”
    And he kissed her again.

Chapter Six
    C ora had only ever heard the word before. She didn’t know what the term meant, or what the movement’s purpose was. Now she did. She also knew who’d killed Sir George Grey’s Undersecretary. Frederick Blake—an avowed Chartist.
    Blake was reported to be a staunch follower of Feargus O’Connor, the leader of the Chartist movement. O’Connor advocated strikes and physical violence, and when the Chartist movement was defeated, several of its more outspoken members became bitter and vowed for vengeance. Frederick Blake was undoubtedly one of those.
    Defeat of the movement caused a festering of discontent and hostility. Hopefully, Mack would locate Mr. Blake and the crime would be solved. Until then, Cora had no choice but to stay where she was.
    Maybe today he would catch him.
    Cora filled two plates with midday snacks, then put them in the hampers they used to set them outside. Rain had fallen steadily all morning, and Cora knew both Hugh and Jack would be thankful for warm coffee and a bite to eat.
    She waited until the rain slowed, then carried the two hampers to the front of the house. She gave one of them to Harper and took the other to the garden. A part of her would be very glad when she could go farther. Maybe on a walk through Hyde Park. Maybe just shopping. Another part of her dreaded the day when that would happen. That would signal that the killer had been found, and that she would no longer be living here. That she would no longer see Mack, or if she did, it would be seldom.
    Cora carried the hamper to the gate and pushed back the bolt. “Do you have the back-of-the-house duty today, Jack? Or is it you, Hugh?”
    “No, miss. It’s me. Jack. Did you take pity on the two of us and bring us a mug of hot coffee?”
    “I did. I heard your teeth chattering all the way in the kitchen.”
    “Oh, you’re a dear.”
    Cora took the hamper to the usual spot and set it down. Then she darted back inside the gate and pushed the bolt shut. She didn’t leave immediately but stood to talk to Jack for a moment.
    “Oh,” Jack said on a sigh. “You brought some of those strawberry-filled pastries from last night. Did you make those, Cora?”
    Cora smiled. “I did.”
    “They’re my favorite. What are we having tonight?”
    “I believe Mrs. Ramesdale was just taking a peach pie out of the oven when I left the kitchen.”
    “Oh, Quinn will think he died and went to heaven.”
    “Have you seen or heard from Mack today?” she asked. He was gone before she rose this morning and hadn’t come home all day.
    “He stopped by earlier and said he’d probably be late. He said he had some errands to run, then he’d be home.”
    “Did his errands involve Mr. Blake?” she asked.
    “I’m not sure. But don’t worry. Mack knows what he’s doing.”
    “I know, but—”
    “Miss Lane!” Harper rushed from the house to the terrace. “Come quickly.”
    Cora rushed into the house. “What is it, Harper?”
    “It’s Mr. Wallace, miss. He’s been hurt.”
    Cora didn’t wait for Harper to say more but ran to the foyer. Quinn and two men Cora hadn’t met before were carrying Mack up the stairs.
    Cora rushed to catch up with them but didn’t get a glimpse of Mack until they reached the top of the stairs.
    His body was bloody and bruised, his face almost beyond recognition. One eye was swollen shut; the other had a nasty cut angling below it. His mouth was split and swollen, and bruises covered his jaw on both sides.
    “Bring him in here.” Cora rushed ahead of them to turn down his bed. “Harper, have Mrs. Ramesdale send up warm water and cloths.” She looked at Quinn. “Has someone sent for a

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