Sky Song: Overture

Sky Song: Overture by Meg Merriet Read Free Book Online

Book: Sky Song: Overture by Meg Merriet Read Free Book Online
Authors: Meg Merriet
her eyes glowing with adoration. She was composed upon hearing my mother’s melody. Part of me wanted to throw down my instrument and strangle the emperor with my bow, but I couldn’t compromise the plan. I was to wait for Baker’s signal.
    Molly curtsied and presented her hand to the prince. He kissed it and smiled up at her with cheeks like apples.
    “Miss Luftberg,” he said.
    “My prince.”
    “You are truly she?”
    “I am,” she said with a modest smile.
    Maive scowled and stepped forwards. She spoke in a loud, clear voice as she said, “How can we be certain, Magnificence?”
    “I remember her mother,” said Emperor Perceval. “She is the mirror image of her.” Prince Torren smiled and patted Molly’s hand. I continued to play my little tune. “The ceremony shall commence at three o’clock, followed by a reception. As a member of the former dynasty joins our great house, a civil war is prevented!” The company of Duskmen applauded.
    I hoped the wedding would be a short ceremony; I was having the most vivid homicidal fantasies about the emperor’s family and Molly looked like she was going barmy from hearing the same musical phrase repeated over and over on the fiddle.
    “And who is this?” asked the prince, gesturing to me.
    “This is my minstrel,” said Molly. “She plays beautifully, doesn’t she?”
    The blood went cold in my face. I heard some confused whispering from our Hawks Pierce and Caleb, but Mr. Bentley shushed them.
    “Oh yes! She dresses like the men, but she is a lovely young woman,” prattled Molly, fidgeting with the lace ruffles at her wrists.
    Caleb laughed and Pierce elbowed him in the ribs.
    The prince came towards me and stared intensely at my face. To my amazement, he smiled wide, his little teeth glistening. “Indeed she is,” he said. “She will be the ehrendame.”
    Captain Dirk stepped forwards, murmuring, “My prince, this woman is but a lowly peasant, a minstrel no less.”
    “No matter,” said the prince. “Any woman whom both bride and groom fancy may fill the role.” He turned to address me. “You, girl, put down that fiddle and go with the servants. They shall make you presentable.”
    I didn’t know what an ehrendame was, but if it involved being made presentable, I did not want to comply. I kept playing right up until a servant girl snatched my instrument away.
    Molly shook her head, tears welling in her eyes. “Thank you, my sweet, sweet prince!” she said. “I am overcome with joy.” She could barely stand. I caught her by the arms and supported her weight.
    I felt the ship rising. More of those golden orbs inflated and surrounded the deck like a bubbly fence. Visibility from the Wastrel was blocked.
    “What is this?” Dirk said. “You must remain level with my ship.”
    Emperor Perceval laughed, and at first, I thought it was to suggest that all was well. Then the guards seized my captain and twisted his arms behind his back. Emperor Perceval backhanded him with a force that cracked his jaw like a whip. Dirk spit a gob of blood.
    “Stop!” Molly cried, exploding into a wild tantrum. The maids ripped her from my arms. There were four of them, all in white gowns, white aprons and lace headdresses. Their faces were monotone and severe, hard and sharp like broken glass. I froze where I stood.
    Mr. Bentley drew his pistol, but could not bring it up before the Duskmen brought knives to his and his Caleb’s throats, thrashing them open in one violent motion. Their blood cascaded down their fronts and they fell to their knees. Pierce remained at knifepoint, and the emperor addressed him.
    “You will return to the Wastrel, and tell the men that your captain wishes to remain for the ceremony. Any sign of retaliation from your decrepit vessel, and we will execute Dirk and destroy your ship. Understood?”
    Pierce nodded. Blue Dusk escorted him to a rope ladder.
    “I thought we had an agreement,” Dirk growled.
    Emperor Perceval

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