Bedford Street Brigade 02 - Love Unbidden

Bedford Street Brigade 02 - Love Unbidden by Laura Landon Read Free Book Online

Book: Bedford Street Brigade 02 - Love Unbidden by Laura Landon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Landon
him, which is why I’d like you to accompany me. I hope Mr. Wharton will be more receptive if you are there.”
    “Of course.” Nellie placed her napkin on the table and rose. “Why don’t you take Jack into the study while I clean up here. Henry always kept a bottle of brandy there for special occasions. It’s in the small cupboard behind his desk. I’m sure he’d offer both of you a glass if he were here. I’ll clear the table and join you shortly.”
    Jack and Quinn rose from the table, and went to the study. When they entered, Quinn closed the door and went to the small cupboard where Nellie said Dunston kept a bottle of brandy. He poured them each a glass, then handed one to Jack.
    “Let’s hear it,” Jack said after taking a sip of his brandy. “You know something more you didn’t say in front of Nellie.”
    Quinn lowered his glass to his knee. “Dunston dismissed me.”
    “Dismissed you?” Jack shifted to face Quinn. “Bloody hell, why?”
    “He said trying to defend him was futile. That he couldn’t afford to pay what he knew Bedford investigators charged when the courts would find him guilty in the end.”
    “Who do you think got to him?”
    Quinn leaned forward and rested his forearms atop his thighs. “I don’t know. But whoever it was, they scared the hell out of him. He insisted I stop now. He said he wanted his wife and children to stay in the country where they’d be safe.”
    Quinn sat straight, then lifted his glass to his lips and took a swallow. “I’m sure someone paid Dunston a visit. Whoever it was convinced Dunston his only option was to take the blame for the missing money.”
    “Well,” Jack said, “this case is getting more interesting by the minute. The only element that’s missing is a dead body.”
    “Don’t say that. Things are bad enough without adding murder to the plot.”
    “Whose murder?” Nellie asked from the doorway.
    Quinn rose to his feet and stepped to Nellie’s side. Her face was washed of color, and her hands twisted the fabric of her dress. “There’s been no murder, Nellie. Nor will there be. Jack was just making a joke—a very poor joke.” Quinn gave Jack a narrow look.
    “I’m sorry, Nellie. Quinn’s right. I sometimes forget how my words might sound to innocent ears.”
    “That’s all right, Jack. I’m just overly sensitive right now.”
    “Of course you are. Now, if you’ll excuse me. I think I’ll go home for the night.” Jack turned to Quinn. “Unless you want me to stay.”
    “No. I’ll take over now. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
    Jack nodded. “I’ll see what I can find out about Carter Paxton.” He turned again to Nellie. “Thank you for supper. It was delicious.”
    “You’re welcome.”
    Quinn walked Jack to the front door, then returned to where he’d left Nellie. “I’m sorry you overheard Jack’s comment. We sometimes forget how our words might sound to anyone else.”
    “It’s all right. I shouldn’t be so sensitive.”
    “That’s only natural right now.” He took her arm. “Come with me. We need to enjoy this beautiful evening.”
    “I’d love that.”
    Quinn led Nellie through the door that led to the garden. The sun was beginning to set, but there was still enough light to see clearly.
    “Do you think we’ll discover who hid the money here?”
    “What about the ledger? Who do you think has the ledger? And why do you think it’s so important?”
    Quinn led Nellie to the same bench where they’d sat the night before. “I don’t know who has the ledger, but I think it’s the key to why someone is trying to make everyone believe your brother-in-law is a thief. I think it contains something someone doesn’t want anyone to find.”
    Nellie wrapped her arms around her middle. “Oh, I wish this was over. I wish everything was the way it was before.”
    Quinn knew how close Nellie was to tears. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and gathered her to him. If this had never

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