the Prospect. He slides a water down and Tiny teaches him how to do a shot.
“You got shit coming tomorrow. Don’t get so wasted you can’t get the shit put together,” JJ tells him. Pres laughs.
“That was it for me. Fuckin’’ Brothers are going to kill me it’s still burning my throat.”
Tiny slaps his back and I steady him. “Lay off him. You’re a fuckin’’ giant and he isn’t.”
Knight laughs surprising the fuck out of us. “Will be as big as Ben.” We all just look at him. He shrugs. “Just sayin’.”
I look at Pres they’re staring at each other then he nods at Knight. “Sonofabitch.”
JJ laughs. “Fuckin’’ Brother learned too fuckin’’ much in the military.”
We all laugh. Geek falls into me. “Come on little Brother. You need to get to bed before I have to carry you.” He nods making them laugh again. “I’ll get him squared then I’m out. Tiny you check on him before you turn in. I’ll check him in the morning.”
“I will Axe.”
He’s in the room next to me. I get him in bed and show him the barrel in case he don’t make it to the bathroom. “You puke in your room you clean it.”
“Fuck, stop talking about it.” He rolls over.
I leave a lamp on and lock his door. I take the key to Tiny. “Slide it under my door after you check on him.” He throws me chin.
I pull a whore to my room and feel good for at least one more day.
Chapter Sixteen
Everyone is looking for breakfast as I’m making eggs, bacon and toast. Knight and JJ show and I slide plates to them. I figure Petey, Tiny, Pres, and Geek will show soon so I add more and make plates. Tiny comes in and makes toast handing it around and adding it to the plates I made. I make him extra eggs, figuring he’s a fuckin’’ giant he must need them then tell him to eat.
Pres comes in with Geek. “You doing okay Little Brother?” Tiny asks him.
Geek nods. “Pres gave me something for the headache. I’m good.”
I laugh. He sits and eats like an animal. JJ slows him down and gets him to use his fork. Tiny gets him more toast dropping it on his plate. When he sits he looks at JJ. They’ll watch out for him.
“Always.” Knight says looking right at me. I look at Pres and he smiles. Fuck this is weird. JJ watches everything.
“Geek you need help today you get a Prospect or two to give you a hand.”
He nods chewing his toast. “I will Pres.”
“Swallow ‘fore you talk,” Knight tells him.
He nods and swallows. “I will Pres.” He watches Knight and gets chin. Pres laughs.
Knight stands and hands Geek a hundred. “Order lunch. Prospect can pick it up. You don’t leave here. I get back we’ll get you clothes and a bike. Yeah?”
Geek looks at him. “What do I have to do for it?”
Knight looks surprised. “Work. You get my headsets straight and better boards. Yeah?”
Geek looks at Pres and gets a nod. “Yeah. Thanks.”
Knight looks at JJ. “These Brothers right here threw you protection. No one touches you Geek. None of us are into kids. We won’t hurt you. If one of us gives you something it’s for work you did or work you’re going to do. Knight will get you a bike because you can’t be in the Club without one. He does that as a Brother. No strings with that kind of gift. When you can you help someone out like he’s doing. Yeah?”
Geek gives him that big fuckin’’ smile. “Yeah. Thanks Brothers.” He throws Knight chin making us laugh.
“Fuckin’’ Badass needs a bike,” Knight says walking away. JJ laughs.
“Where’s he going?” Tiny asks JJ getting a shrug.
“Training Casper. He’s helping him with ride and shoot.”
Pres looks surprised. “What happened?”
I look at the Brothers sitting here. Petey didn’t show so I figure I can tell them. “He couldn’t hit above 35. Knight helped him and got him hitting at 50. Told him he’d get him hitting center today.” JJ starts cleaning up and Geek gets up to help.
“Casper wasn’t