We’re teaching you all to do that. You know Brotherhood. You know Ops. JJ knows every fuckin’’ thing. Tiny is loyal and protective. He can do any job but he’s not an Ops soldier. He’ll keep your Brothers in line and always have your back. You stay close and keep Geek protected.”
“You and Pres ain’t in there.”
Fuckin’’ smart kid. “We need to get back.”
“No.” He shuts my bike off and looks over at the targets. “Only family ever wanted me was you and Ben. You’re gone is just Ben. Taught me about bein’ a man. Believed I had more in me and pulled it out. Know you did that. However long isn’t enough. You’re the best father ever had. Honored you’re mine.”
“You’re a good Brother Steve. You have been right from the beginning. I’m proud of you son. You keep going and protect Ben, Geek and Tiny. They’re your job now. You make it to good. Find a way to make it good for more son.” He turns and hugs me.
“I will Axe.”
He lets me go and I see him in my mirror watching me ride away. Fuck. I ride the reservation and take a minute. I need to see my boy. It feels like time is slipping away.
I ride the coast until I know Danny’s home then make my way to his house. I hear the bitch screaming and run up the stairs. I see Danny with Rich at the table. He’s reading to his boy with a smile on his face. Rich points at a picture and Danny laughs. I guess he didn’t hear the bike with the screaming.
I turn around and walk down. “Axe. Come on in.” I look up at the top windows. “She’ll be done soon. If I don’t react she gets tired of it.” I laugh and walk in behind him. Rich runs to me. I lift him up and kiss his head. “Rough day?” he asks.
“Yeah you could say that. It’s better now. Had a nice ride along the coast. Always good for clearing the head. How is school?”
“Good. Aced the finals. With the extra classes I’ll be done a year early. I’ve been reading about clean building. I think I’m going to take the courses for it and get LEEDS certified.”
I nod. “You should. Energy efficient is going to be big. It’s already started. It’s only a matter of time before whole houses are being built more efficient and using clean energy.”
He’s nodding. “I’m glad you stopped.” He shows me a magazine on solar power. We talk until it’s Rich’s bedtime. I kiss Rich’s head and tell Danny I’ll see him soon. As I ride away I hope I’m not lying.
The Club is quiet when I walk through the door. Pres is at a table with a whore on his lap. I sit at the bar until he’s done. None of the regular Brothers are here. I get a second beer and get surprised by a slap on the back. “You good Brother?”
“Yeah Pres.” I turn. He’s concerned. “Went for a ride and stopped to see Danny.”
“He doing okay?”
I smile. “Yeah he’s taking green building classes. Knight been okay?”
He doesn’t answer right away. “No. Came back talking staccato. JJ and Tiny took him for a ride. They even took Geek with them.”
I look at him. “He knows.”
He nods. “JJ too. Figured it was only a matter of time before Knight got it. He’s a smart fuck. They make a good team.”
I smile at that. “Yeah.”
“Get me some Jack,” he tells the Prospect. He drops the bottle and shot glasses and walks to the other end of the bar. “To us. We made some fuckin’’ good Brothers. They’ll be a force to be reckoned with.”
I smile and hit his glass. “We did. I’m proud of every one of them.”
“Fuckin’’ A.” Tiny says and I laugh looking behind me. JJ, Knight, Tiny and even little Geek is standing there with big fuckin’’ smiles.
“Get them glasses,” Pres says to the Prospect.
They all take a glass. “To the future Brotherhood of Badass Bikers.” We hit glasses and drink it back. Geek starts sputtering. “Gotta do better than that little Brother,” Pres tells him and we laugh.
“Get my little Brother some water,” Tiny yells to
Patrick Swayze, Lisa Niemi
Andy Duncan and Ellen Klages