Bending Over Backwards

Bending Over Backwards by Samantha Hunter Read Free Book Online

Book: Bending Over Backwards by Samantha Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha Hunter
of the group in time to guide them through the next few poses and finally into Savasana , Corpse Pose. She kept her eye on Leo, making sure he didn’t overdo it. She’d treat any student the same way, though with the others, she didn’t notice how the muscles in their shoulders bulged in a very sexy way, or how their shorts fit. She also knew what was inside Leo’s shorts, and her concentration slipped again.
    “ Namaste .” She concluded the class with a distracted bow to her group, who returned the same. They didn’t seem to notice that she was out of sync. “Have a great day, everyone.”
    As the class started packing up, Leo waited while she talked to a few people. Jasmine picked up her things slowly, but she was aware of him watching her.
    “Thanks. That helped. What is Namaste ?” he asked. “I used to hear people saying that all over the place in the city and always wondered.”
    “Generally, it’s a traditional greeting, I bow to you. Others see it in a more spiritual sense, that the divine in me is acknowledging the divine in you,” she explained, keeping her voice neutral. “So are you really joining the class?”
    “Would that be okay?”
    “Of course.” Liar.
    “Maybe I should get private lessons too. This seemed pretty advanced.” This time he didn’t bother hiding the sexual intent behind the words.
    “That’s probably not a good idea.”
    “I think I’ve heard that before.”
    “Listen, if you’re serious about the yoga, I can set you up in my assistant’s beginner class, or she could give you some private lessons,” Jasmine offered. She frowned as she realized that she didn’t at all like the idea of Amanda tutoring Leo in private, even though it was the perfect solution.
    “I don’t want your assistant. I want you.” He reached out to touch a curl that had escaped the headband she was wearing.
    “Leo, the other night—”
    “Don’t say it was a mistake, Jasmine. Don’t do that. The only thing wrong with what happened the other night was that you ran away like a scared rabbit.”
    Her eyes popped open wide in surprise.
    “I did not run away. I left. There’s a big difference, and it was the smart thing to do. We had some fun, and there was no need to make more of it than it was.”
    “Really? That was enough for you? You didn’t want more? I did.” His bluntness sent a shiver down her spine. “I do. I want more. Of you.”
    Unwanted arousal and temptation warred with common sense and caution as Jasmine blew out a breath, throwing her hands up.
    “More what, Leo? More sex? You said you wanted more, but what more could we have? You’re just here killing time until your memory comes back. Then, you’ll go back to your old life. You’d like me to be your plaything in the meanwhile.”
    He pursed his lips, rocked back on his heels, as if considering what she said.
    “I don’t know what’s going to happen with my memory. Maybe it will come back, but I quit the job, and I think it was the right thing for me, no matter what. Maybe my memory will never come back. I’m sick as shit of thinking about it. Regardless of what happens, right now, in this moment, I want more sex with you, absolutely. Until neither of us wants any more or until things change. And maybe we can also be friends, at least. We’re good together, so why not?”
    His honesty startled her. He didn’t try to manipulate her emotionally, cajole or pressure, he said what he wanted. It set her back for a minute. She’d expected more games from Leo. More power plays. But he was putting the ball in her court, and she struggled to find a good reason to shoot him down.
    “Because it’s never that simple. You’re only here for the moment. You have nothing at stake. I run a business here. I’m busy, I live here, and I have a reputation to think of.”
    And a heart to protect , she added silently.
    She couldn’t risk letting sex turn into something more than sex, not with this man. Usually she was in

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